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Alcohol - Latest updates (64)
RSS13-14 October 2016, Lisbon: Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol-related Harm shares its results
Presentations - Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action (7-8 June 2016)
Sixth monitoring progress report 2014 and Executive summary - European Alcohol and Health Forum
Mandate of the Working Group on Governance and Commitments - EU alcohol and health forum
Work Plan for meetings in 2015-2017 - European Alcohol and Health Forum
Flash report and presentations - 16th meeting of the Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action (28-29 April 2015)
Summary report – 15th Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action (7-8 October 2014)
EU alcohol and health forum - Conclusions of the Governance Working Group
Summary report - 15th plenary meeting on European Alcohol and Health Forum (Luxembourg, 6 November 2014)
Flash report - 15th plenary meeting on European Alcohol and Health Forum (Luxembourg, 6 November 2014)
Agenda - 15th plenary meeting on European Alcohol and Health Forum (Luxembourg, 6 November 2014)
Agenda - 15th meeting of the Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action
Action Plan on Youth Drinking and on Heavy Episodic Drinking (Binge Drinking) (2014-2016)
State of play in the use of alcoholic beverage labels to inform consumers about health aspects
Eyes on Ages - A research on alcohol age limit policies in European Member States. Legislation, enforcement and research