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Blood, tissues, cells and organs - Publications (17)
RSSNew rules on substances of human origin (SoHO)
Infographic on organs, blood, tissues and cells in the EU
Study supporting the Impact Assessment of the Revision of Directive 2002/98/EC and of Directive 2004/23/EC
The IES - The Commission Expert Sub-Group on inspections in the blood, tissues and cells sectors
Building national programmes of Patient Blood Management (PBM) in the EU - A guide for health authorities
Supporting Patient Blood Management (PBM) in the EU - A practical implementation guide for hospitals
Blood and Cell and Tissue Donation
Transplantation of organs, tissues and cells - Raising standards, saving lives
Organ donation and transplantation
Blood donation and blood transfusions
Organ donation and transplantation
Europeans and organ donation
Report on the Open Consultation: Policy options for organ donation and transplantation at EU level
Report on the Regulation of Reproductive Cell Donation in the European Union
Le don du sang
Le don et la transplantation d'organes
Europeans and blood