- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
Public Health, Microbiology
Why we are consulting
The Regulation 2022/2371 on Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health introduced a legal mandate for the establishment of EU reference laboratories (EURLs) in public health.
EURLs in the area of public health should provide support to national reference laboratories to promote good practice and alignment by Member States on a voluntary basis on diagnostics, testing methods, use of certain tests for the uniform surveillance, notification and reporting of diseases.
The first round of calls for application was launched in 2023.
The European Commission is now issuing three new calls for applications related to EURLs in public health, in the following areas (selected based on an opinion issued by the ECDC):
- EURL for food- and water-borne bacteria: Terms of the Call - Online form to apply
- EURL for food-, water-, and vector-borne helminths and protozoa: Terms of the Call - Online form to apply
- EURL food- and water-borne viruses: Terms of the Call - Online form to apply
Respond to the consultation
Additional information
A webinar for interested candidate laboratories will take place on 15 May 2024 - 13:30-15:00 CEST.
A separate webinar for national endorsing authorities will take place on 15 May 2024 - 15:30-17:00 CEST.
Questions and answers
Additional questions for which answers are provided that may be of interest to all possible applicants will continuously be published in revised versions of the Guidance document.
Please note that once the information has been published, it is considered to have been made available to all applicants. It is therefore the responsibility of the applicants to regularly check and review the Guidance document to use the information there during the preparation of their application.
Important message to applicants
The deadline for the submission of EURL applications will remain Wednesday 14 August at 12:00 (noon) CEST as stated in the calls for applications. However, since we understand that some applicants are struggling to have these signed by the nominated competent authorities by the application submission date it will be possible to submit the application without one or more of the endorsement letters, provided that declarations of honour are provided instead and that the endorsement letters are subsequently provided by email no later than 30 August 17:00 CEST.;
For each consortium member that is unable to obtain a signed endorsement letter by the time the application is submitted, a declaration of honour shall be uploadedin place of the endorsement letter in EUSurvey. Each of these declarations must:
- State that the consortium member has initiated discussions with their nominated national competent authority, and that they are in a position to receive the endorsement letter; and
- Be signed by the legal representative of the consortium member in question.
Applicants whose submitted applications are missing one or more endorsement letters will be contacted by email and asked to provide any outstanding endorsement letters by 30 August at 17:00 CEST. Applications for which one or more endorsement letters are not provided by this deadline, will be considered as incomplete.
Please note that no modifications or changes to the rest of the submitted application will be allowed after Wednesday 14 August at 12:00 (noon) CEST.