- antimicrobial resistance
- Monday 5 February 2018, 01:00 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Monday 5 February 2018, 01:00 (CET)
- Languages
- English
With antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on the rise in the EU, it is vital to ensure that lessons learnt from successful strategies are made accessible to all Member States. To deal with the cross-border health threat of AMR, it is crucial to identify and share best practices and policies, so that a lack of action in one region or sector does not undermine progress made in others. To assist with and accelerate this collaboration, in early 2017 the Commission set up an AMR One Health network of government experts from the human health, animal health, and environmental sectors, as well as the EU scientific agencies working in the human and animal health sectors (ECDC, EMA, and EFSA).
Within the AMR One Health network, its members work towards facilitating mutual learning, sharing innovative ideas, building consensus, comparing progress made in key areas and, where necessary, accelerating national efforts to tackle AMR.
- Agenda
- Minutes
- eNews: The fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the EU: EU One-Health Network meets in Brussels today
Contact: SANTE-AMR-ONE-HEALTH@ec.europa.eu
New EU Action Plan against AMR: state of play of implementation
Martial Plantady
European Commission - DG Health and Food Safety
Arjon Van Hengel
European Commission - DG Research
Update on the epidemiology of ARM in food-producing animals and food in the EU
P.-A. Beloeil
EFSA - European Food Safety Authority
AMR epidemiological situation: ECDC update
Dominique L. Monnet
on behalf of the ECDC - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
ECDC/EFSA/EMA second joint report on the integrated analysis of the consumption of antimicrobial agents and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from humans and food-producing animals
P.-A. Beloeil
EFSA - European Food Safety Authority
Structural reform support service (SRSS): opportunities for support
Federico Paoli
European Commission - Structural reform support service
DG SANTE and ECDC - AMR One Health Joint Country Visits
Ruben Tascon
European Commission - DG Health and Food Safety
Dominique Monnet
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
JPIAMR - Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance
Laura Marin
JPIAMR - Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance
Joint Action on AMR and HAI (EU-JAMRAI): Countries’ commitment to keep antibiotics working
Christian Brun-Buisson
ECDC-EFSA-EMA Joint Opinion on Outcome Indicators on Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance and Use of Antimicrobials
P.-A. Beloeil
EFSA - European Food Safety Authority
Dominique Monnet
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment - Development of Strategic Approach
Helen Clayton
European Commission – DG Environment
EC–EuropeAid. AMR – Health Sector: Development Activities
Kevin McCarthy
European Commission - International Cooperation and Development