- endocrine disruptor
- Monday 1 June 2015, 02:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Monday 1 June 2015, 02:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Brussels, 01 June 2015
About the Conference
The European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety organised a one-day conference in Brussels on 1 June 2015 on the impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in the context of the Plant Protection Products Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 and the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) 528/2012.
The aim of the conference was to inform Member States, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), third countries representatives and stakeholders about the on-going impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors and to provide a platform for further exchanges of views.
For more information:
Video recording
The conference was broadcasted live on the day of the event (June 1st). The record is available here.
Speech "Conference on endocrine disruptors"
Vytenis Andriukaitis
Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
SESSION 1 - Scientific debate on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors
Identifying EDCs for public health protection: The endocrine perspective
Thomas Zoeller
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Principles of pharmacology and toxicology govern effects of chemicals on the endocrine system
Daniel Dietrich
University of Konstanz
EFSA SC Opinion on the hazard assessment of endocrine disruptors
Anthony Hardy
EFSA' Scientific Committee
SESSION 2 - Endocrine disruptors in the EU legislation
The EU policy on endocrine disruptors
Kestutis Sadauskas
European Commission - DG Environment
Endocrine disruptors: the EU regulatory framework
Ladislav Miko
European Commission - DG Health and Food Safety
Impact assessments as a key tool for better regulation
Matthew Hudson
European Commission - DG Health and Food Safety
The impact assessment for defining criteria on endocrine disruptors in the context of the plant protection products and biocidal products regulations
Michael Flüh
European Commission - DG Health and Food Safety
The first phase of the impact assessment on endocrine disruptors: how to screen which chemicals would fall under different options for the criteria to identify endocrine disruptors
Sharon Munn
European Commission - Joint Research Center
SESSION 3 - Potential impacts on industry and consumers
Potential impacts on food industry
Beate Kettlitz
Potential impacts on pesticides industry
Jean-Charles Bocquet
Potential impacts on consumers
Claus Jørgensen
Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemicals
SESSION 4 - Potential impacts on trade and agriculture
Potential impacts on agriculture
Luc Peeters
Copa-Cogeca Working Party on Phytosanitary Questions
Potential impacts on trade
Gaston Maria Funes
Embassy of Argentina to the EU
Potential Trade Impacts
Michelle Cooper
Mission of Canada to the EU
SESSION 5 - Potential impacts on health and environment
Endocrine disrupting pesticides
Angeliki Lyssimachou
EDC criteria: EU's opportunity for better health
Genon K. Jensen
Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)
Potential impacts regarding human health risk assessment
Presentation made by Roland Solecki, on behalf of Andreas Hensel
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Closing speech
Martin Seychell
European Commission - DG Health and Food Safety