- health statistics
- Wednesday 22 January 2014, 20:29 - Thursday 23 January 2014, 20:29 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Wednesday 22 January 2014, 20:29 - Thursday 23 January 2014, 20:29 (CET)
- Languages
- English
EGHI meeting on the potential ERIC on health information (22 January 2014)
As a result of a brainstorming during the EGHI meeting in May 2013 an Ad-hoc Core working group on a potential ERIC on health information was established and proceeded on the initial discussions. Their deliberations are summarized in the document 'A potential ERIC on Health - Scoping paper for considerations of EU Member States and EEA/EFTA countries in the Expert Group on Health Information', which was discussed during the EGHI meeting on 22 January 2014.
The work undertaken by the Ad-hoc Core working group on a potential ERIC on health information is without prejudice to possibly including or excluding any health information task or activity or any entity or Member State, associated country or third State to participate in a potential future ERIC or in any possible future application for EU funding. The Commission services shall not be involved in any preparatory process for such applications.
For further information, please see:
EGHI meeting (23 January 2014)
ECHI Evaluation
Alberto Bolognini
Economisti Associati
Update on OECD work
Gaetan Lafortune
OECD Health Division
Update on WHO-Euro work
Claudia Stein
World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
Updates Eurostat
Bart De Norre, Hartmut Buchow
Updates on joint questionnaire
Gaetan Lafortune
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Health Division
JAF Health
Kasia Jurczak
European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion