The Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in health was an interdisciplinary and independent group established by the European Commission in 2012 to provide non-binding independent advice on matters related to effective, accessible and resilient health systems.
The Expert Panel aimed to support DG Health and Food Safety in its efforts towards evidence-based policy-making, to inform national policy making in improving the quality and sustainability of health systems and to foster EU level cooperation to improve information, expertise and the exchange of best practices. The mandate expired in December 2022.
The opinions of the Expert Panel present the views of the independent scientists who are members of the Expert Panel. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
Opinions are used by DG SANTE to support policy cooperation, to inform policy making at national level, to foster EU level cooperation to improve information, expertise and the exchange of best practices.
- List of opinions since the Expert Panel started its activities in 2013
Factsheets accompany the opinions and summarise in short its key messages and findings.
- List of factsheets produced by the Expert panel
The members of the Expert Panel were appointed for a 3-year term following an open call for applications, evaluation and selection process ensuring a balanced representation of relevant areas of expertise as well as geographical and gender balance.
Evaluation of the work of the Expert Panel
As the mandate of the Expert Panel and the applicability of the Commission Decision 2019/C 174/04 amending Decision 2012/C 198/06 on setting up a multisectoral and independent expert panel was coming to an end in 2022, DG SANTE commissioned an evaluation of the Expert Panel work. It was conducted by an external consultant, ICF during 2022, but covered the period from 2013 to 2022.