Structure and legislative framework
- Directive 2011/24 on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare
- Commission Implementing Decision of 26 June 2013
- Rules of procedure
Adopted documents
- Rules of procedure
- HTA Network Reflection Paper on "Synergies between regulatory and HTA issues on pharmaceuticals"
- Multiannual Work Programme 2016-2020
- HTA Network Reflection Paper on Reuse of Joint Work in National HTA Activities
- Strategy for EU Cooperation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
- Multi-annual work programme 2014-2015
Network's meetings
List of participating members
The HTA Network met for the first time in October 2013. All EU countries have appointed a representative, usually from the Ministry of Health or Social Services. Iceland and Norway also participate as observer members.
According to the Implementing Decision , the HTA Network "shall be supported by a scientific and technical cooperation mechanism". This function will be performed by Joint Action EUnetHTA until the end of 2020.