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HTA stakeholder network - Declarations

AIDES Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
AGORA FoundationDeclaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Cancer Patients Europe (CPE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Childhood Cancer International Europe (CCI)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Confederation of European Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (CEORL-HNS)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries (COTEC)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Digestive Cancers Europe (DICE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
EUROPA DONNADeclaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Access Academy Faculty hosted by Vlerick Business School (EAA Faculty)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Alliance for Vision Research and Ophthalmology (EU EYE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association for Bioindustries (EUROPABIO)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association for Medical Devices of Notified Bodies (Team NB)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Association of Urology (EAU)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Cancer Organisation (ECO)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations (EFA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Federation of Psoriasis Organisations (EUROPSO)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (EFSPI)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Health Management Association (EHMA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Hematology Association (EHA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Institute of Women's Health (EIWH)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Kidney Patients Federation (EKPF)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Liver Patients' Association (ELPA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Patients Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Patients’ Forum (EPF)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Public Health Association (EUPHA)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Pulmonary Fibrosis Federation (EU PFF)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Society of Cardiology (ESC)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Society of Radiology (ESR)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Trade Association representing the medical imaging, radiotherapy, health ICT and electromedical industries (COCIR)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Union of General Practitioners /Family Physicians (UEMO)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Europeans for Safe Connections (ESC)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Global Heart Hub (GHH)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) in association with EuroScan International NetworkDeclaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
H2O Pan European Observatory (H2O)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
International Diabetes Federation Europe (IDFE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies (IPOPI)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Lymphoma Coalition Europe (LCE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Medicines for EuropeDeclaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
MedTech EuropeDeclaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum (NLF)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Nuclear Medicine Europe (NMEU)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Pancreatic Cancer Europe (PCE)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Rare Diseases Europe (EURORDIS)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
SMA Europe e.VDeclaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Thalassaemia International Federation (THALASS IF)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
Vaccines EuropeDeclaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
European Institute of Innovation and Technology - Health (EIT Health)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest
World Health Organisation EURO (WHO EURO)Declaration of membershipSources of fundingDeclaration of interest