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Public Health
  • News announcement
  • 13 June 2022
  • Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • 1 min read

The 2021 Thematic Networks have been transformed into Exchange and Stakeholder Networks where the collaboration continues!

The 2021 Thematic Network cycle has reached its conclusion after nearly a year of productive work, with the three networks interacting with hundreds of health stakeholder organisations through a series of webinars. Slowly but surely the organisations leading these networks gathered the input received and presented their final Joint Statements at the EU Health Policy Platform annual meeting that took place on 5 May 2022.

The health stakeholder community had until end of May to acknowledge the work and endorse one, two or all three Joint Statements. You can find the latest version of these Joint Statements in the Agora library of the EU Health Policy Platform (registration required), including the list of endorsing organisations.

And the collaboration continues! You can find the three 2021 Thematic Networks in the following categories in the Platform:

  • "Climate and health education in Europe", led by the Association of Schools of Public Schools in the European Area (ASPHER) as an Exchange Network
  • "Towards an inclusive pharmaceutical strategy for the EU", led by the EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Law as a Stakeholder Network
  • "Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care", led by European Nutrition for Health Alliance as an Exchange Network

And stay tuned for the new cycle of 2022 Thematic Networks! All the information you'll need to participate in them will be published in the Agora network in due time. Don't forget that the previous editions of Joint Statements are available in the Agora library of the EU Health Policy Platform.


Publication date
13 June 2022
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety