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News announcement23 August 2010Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety4 min read

Alcohol Library - New contributions from IOGT-NTO

Alcohol Library - New contributions from IOGT-NTO

European Alcohol and Health Forum
"Alcohol Library": List of documents

The responsibility for the content of the documents listed here lies with their authors. The content of these documents does not necessarily represent the views of the European Commission, nor is the Commission responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

The library is mainly based on proposals made by members of the European Alcohol and Health Forum, and will be continuously expanded and updated.

Source of Information Title
Alcohol Action Ireland Website
Assurance Maladie Française Contribution de l’Assurance Maladie française sur Stratégie globale de la Commission européenne pour réduire les dommages liés à l’alcool en Europe à l’horizon fin 2012
Brewers of Europe Brewers of Europe report on self regulation of beer advertising (May 2010)
Diageo DRINKiQ initiative for a responsible consumption of alcohol
EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance) EASA Digital Marketing Communications Best Practice
ELSA project (Enforcement of national Laws and Self-regulation on advertising and marketing of Alcohol) The impact of alcohol advertising
Eurocare Website
European Forum for Responsible Drinking(EFRD) TV & Print Compliance Monitoring Report done by EASA and commissioned by EFRD and Brewers of Europe:
- Report 2005
- Report 2006
- Report 2007
- Report 2008

Template Server Training Books, commissioned by EFRD & ICAP:
- Server’s Guide
- Trainer’s Guide

Template for consumer information website, commissioned by EFRD & CEPS:
- Template for consumer information website- July 2008

Learning from a six-years Pan-European Designated- Driver campaigns, supported by the European Commission:
- Guidelines for designated driver campaigns

Consumers are becoming increasingly sensitive to responsible drinking. Are you sure your marketing is?
- Brochure on
- Market Responsibly website

Responsible drinking website

European Spirits Organisation - CEPS 2006 Charter Implementation Report
2007 Charter Implementation Report
2008 Charter Implementation Report
2009 Charter Implementation Report

2006 Drinks Industry Initiatives Brochure
2007 Drinks Industry Initiatives Brochure
2008 Drinks Industry Initiatives Brochure

FDS International and Volterra Consulting Advertising and the misuse of alcohol
Health Alliance on Alcohol
Health Service Executive (Ireland) Alcohol Related Harm in Ireland
International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) ICAP Review 3. Noncommercial Alcohol in Three Regions

Book Synopsis - Swimming with Crocodiles: The Culture of Extreme Drinking
- Two chapters available

Issue 1. ICAP Periodic Review on Drinking and Culture

Alcohol and Violence: Exploring Patterns and Responses

ICC (international Chamber of Commerce) Advertising and marketing communication practice. Consolidated ICC code
IOGT-NTO Global Hangover - Alcohol as an obstacle to development

HIV and Alcohol

Cheers to the family

Portman Group Setting the responsible drinking agenda
SABMiller Website on responsible drinking
- urges parents to talk to their children

Alcohol Responsibility Messaging

SABMiller Consumer Communication 2010

SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems) Alcohol. Price, Policy and Public Health. Report on the findings of the expert workshop on price convened by SHAAP
The Finnish Foundation for alcohol studies Report on activities 2007
United Kingdom House of Commons
Health Select Committee report on Alcohol, January 2010

The Government Response to the Health Select Committee Report on Alcohol, March 2010

Wine in moderation Website

Implementation report 2008-2009

WBA (Worldwide Brewing Alliance) Worldwide Brewing Alliance. Global social responsibility initiatives

The Charter establishing the European Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF) was signed in a launch meeting in June 2007 by 40 founding members. To become members of the Forum organisations must meet certain requirements and make one or more specific commitments for action.



Should you encounter technical problems when submitting a commitment, or need help to complete the form, please send an email to SANCO-EAHFatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SANCO-EAHF[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu). It would be helpful if you could attach the error message if you have received one.

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Monitoring and evaluation of commitments

Governance Working Group

At the Forum meeting of 9 April 2014, it was decided to create a working group to consider and discuss the governance of the EU Alcohol and Health Forum and the reporting of the commitments by the members.

The Conclusions of the Working Group summarize the Working Groups' opinions and recommendations to the Plenary Meeting on the issues discussed in its first two meetings of 10 July and 6 October 2014.

Based on it, the Forum plenary meeting on 6 November 2014 decided to prolong the mandate of the Governance Working Group.

The objectives and tasks of the Governance Working Group are described in the mandate.


Publication date
23 August 2010
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety