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  • News announcement
  • 15 October 2012
  • Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • 2 min read

Conference on childhood immunisation: progress, challenges and priorities for further action, Luxembourg, 16-17 October 2012 – Follow the conference via webstreaming

Conference on childhood immunisation: progress, challenges and priorities for further action, Luxembourg, 16-17 October 2012 – Follow the conference via webstreaming

Luxembourg, 16-17 October 2012

This conference, organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Health and Consumers, was an opportunity to take stock of the recent initiatives on childhood immunisation taken by the EU – including the follow-up to the Council conclusions on childhood immunisation adopted in June 2011. In addition, the conference provided a platform to discuss priority areas for future EU-level action on childhood immunisation with a wide range of stakeholders.


Summary report

Video recording of the conference

Video recording of the conference avalaible at:


A parent’s testimony about the consequences of measles infection and the responsibility of parents towards other children
Parents Max Schönbohm

The Commission’s follow-up to the Council Conclusions on childhood immunisation
John-F Ryan, acting Director Public Health, DG SANCO

The economic case for strengthening immunisation programmes
Mark Jit – Health Protection Agency, UK

Examples of good practice on strengthening immunisation programmes
Denmark (Kåre Mølbak – Statens Serum Institute)
Cyprus (Elena Papamichael, Paediatrician – Neonatalogist 1st Medical Officer)

How to improve vaccination programme monitoring
Pier-Luigi Lopalco – ECDC

The importance of EU collaboration on monitoring immunisation programmes
Fortunato Paolo D’Ancona – VENICE

The 2015 measles and rubella elimination target for the WHO European Region: indicators and verification process
Dina Pfeifer - WHO Euro

The 3 C’s of vaccination: complacency, confidence, and convenience
Robb Butler – WHO Euro

ECDC resources to support effective communication on vaccination
Ulla-Karin Nurm - ECDC

A paediatrician’s experience in responding to parent’s concerns about vaccines
Alberto Tozzi - Paediatrician Paediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy

PROMOVAX – promoting vaccination among migrant populations in Europe
Pania Karnaki - Prolepsis, Greece

Building effective partnerships between Roma communities and local authorities to improve access to childhood immunization
Zoran Bikovski - NGO ‘Kham’, Macedonia

Recommended elements for inclusion in immunisation cards or health booklets
Niklas Danielsson - ECDC

Information resources for healthcare professionals on immunisation schedules and vaccines in EU countries and ways to address language barriers (
Tarik Derrough - ECDC / Agnès Saint-Raymond - EMA

Rapporteur’s report on the panel discussion ‘How to improve the vaccination offer?’
Antoon Gijsens, DG SANCO

Rapporteur’s report on the panel discussion ‘Strategies for improving awareness and trust in public’
Germain Thinus, DG SANCO

Rapporteur’s report on the panel discussion ‘How to strengthen the role of healthcare professionals on advocating vaccination?’
Daniel Brasseur, Chair EMA Paediatric Committee, Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products, Belgium

Other interesting links

EAHC press conference: Why is it important to be vaccinated? Lessons learned from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, 15-16 October 2012

ECDC videos on vaccination


For more information, please contact us at Sanco-immunisationatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Sanco-immunisation[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).


Publication date
15 October 2012
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety