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News announcement30 April 2012Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety1 min read

eHealth 2012 High level Conference, Copenhagen, 8-9 May 2012

eHealth 2012 High level Conference, Copenhagen, 8-9 May 2012

Copenhagen, 8-9 May 2012

The 10th High Level eHealth Conference 2012 targeting health ministers, government officials and stakeholders was jointly organised by the Danish EU Presidency and the European Commission.

With the theme “Smart Health – Better Lives” the Danish Presidency and the European Commission wish to promote an innovation agenda for smart and better health. eHealth holds the potential to enhance quality of healthcare and to support patient centred and efficient healthcare to the benefit of European citizens and economies.

The High level conference was organised in the framework of the eHealth Week 2012 focusing on the continuity of care and patient centric health services through the use of innovative eHealth solutions.

In the margin of the conference, Member States and the Commission kicked off the eHealth cooperation network set up by the Directive on patients rights in cross border care.

Read more on the eHealth Week 2012


Publication date
30 April 2012
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety