EU-Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well being - Reports and studies updated
Mental health - general
- Joint Action - Mental Health and Wellbeing
Newsletters - Access to healthcare in times of crisis (Eurofound, 2014)
The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions have published the "Access to healthcare in times of crisis" study.
This report explores which population groups have experienced reduced access to healthcare as a results of the crisis. It draws on nine in-depth country studies, and on 31 case studies, carried out in 11 Member States and conclude that there are differences between countries and between services in the impact the crisis has had on healthcare access, but also recognise the emergence of new groups that were not considered vulnerable previously due to increased unemployment, especially among young men. - Economic analysis of workplace mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention programmes and of their potential contribution to EU health, social and economic policy objectives - Final report, Matrix Insight, 2012
- Mental health promotion and mental illness prevention: The economic case, LSE 2011
- Body and Soul: Exploring the connection between physical and mental health conditions
- Second European "Quality of Life Survey"
- Report on mental health, Centre d'analyse strategique, 2009
- Report on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care EC, 2009
- Policies and Practices for Mental Health in Europe, WHO 2008
- The Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing, 2006-2008
- Special Eurobarometer on Well-being, May 2006
- Stress and Cardiovascular Disease 2006, European Heart Network (EHN)
Mental Health in Youth and Education
- Expert White Paper on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder “ADHD: making the invisible visible” (April 2013)
The Expert White Paper was funded and reviewed by Shire AG. It was developed on the basis of a European Expert Roundtable on ADHD held in Brussels on 27 November 2012. - Report on the workshop on the role of mental health & social emotional learning in promoting educational attainment and preventing early school leaving (9 October 2012)
- CAMHEE country profiles: "Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Europe: Infrastructures, Policy and Programmes"
- Working paper- Commission activities for promoting mental health and preventing mental disorders in children and young people in the EU
- EU Youth Report, Youth - Investing and Empowering, Commission Staff Working Document
- A critical review of the literature on children and young people’s views of the factors that influence their mental health,
Published by NHS Health Scotland , September 2009 - Children and Young People’s Mental Health Indicators
Background Briefing, Public Health Observatory, NHS Health Scotland, 2009 - A snapshot of the health of young people in Europe, 2009
- Eurobarometer: Parents’ views on the mental health of their child, 2009
Summary - "Self-Harm": Recovery, Advice and Support Exploratory and evaluative research, 2009
- Policy paper on the Health and Well-being of young people, adopted by YFJ, 2008
- Social Cohesion for Mental Well-being among Adolescents, WHO/HBSC 2007
- European strategy for child and adolescent health and development, WHO 2005
Mental Health in Older People
- Equality in later life: National study of older people's mental health services, UK, 2009
- How to promote Ageing Well in Europe: Instruments and tools available to local and regional actors, 2009
- Services for older people in Europe, Facts and figures about long term care services in Europe, ESN 2008
- Overview on health promotion for older people, 2008
- Healthy Ageing- A Challenge for Europe, SNIPH, 2007
Prevention of Depression and Suicide
- The iFight-Depression website ( is available in nine languages including multi-faceted contents to raise awareness of depression and suicidal behaviour. is developed and implemented by the consortium: Preventing Depression and Improving Awareness through Networking in the EU (PREDI-NU) with financial support from the EU-Health Programme. aims to empower any person affected by mild or moderate depression through a guided web-based self-management tool (the 'iFightDepression' tool, available July 2014).
- The cheapest antidepressant
Rita Makarész, Finalist Hungary and 2nd Prize winner of the EU Health Prize for Journalists 2011 - For which strategies of suicide prevention is there evidence of effectiveness?
WHO- Europe, 2004 - After Suicide
Booklet designed for bereaved relatives following a suicide, by the Scottish Association for Mental Health - Suicide-related deaths in an enlarged European Union
European Project ANAMORT Monographs, 2008 - "Inside Story" Survey
The impact of depression on daily life - Mental Health Indicators and Data on Depression and Suicide
Paper coordinated by the Support project - Preventing Suicide: Resource for Media Professionals
WHO, IASP 2008
Mental Health in Workplace
- Economic analysis of workplace mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention programmes and of their potential contribution to EU health, social and economic policy objectives – 2nd final revision, May 2013
- Work related stress - research and statistic, Key research publications on the HSE website
- Work related stress - information on the website of European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
- Mental health promotion in the workplace - A summary of a good practice report, OSHA, 2012
- Drivers and barriers for psychosocial risk management: an analysis of the findings of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)- Report, OSHA, 2012
- Management of psychosocial risks at work: An analysis of the findings of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) - European Risk Observatory - Report, OSHA 2012
- Management of psychosocial risks at work: An analysis of the findings of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) - European Risk Observatory - Annexes, OSHA, 2012
- Mental health promotion in the workplace – A good practice report, OSHA, 2011
- Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers - A Synthesis of Findings across OECD Countries, November 2010
- Body and Soul: Exploring the connection between physical and mental health conditions
- Mental health and well-being at the workplace 2010, WHO Europe
- Towards the development of a European framework for psychosocial risk management at the workplace 2008, Institute of Work Health & Organisations
- Stress and Cardiovascular Disease 2006, European Heart Network (EHN)
Combating Stigma and Social Exclusion
- Mental Health and Integration report - Provision for supporting people with mental illness: a comparison of 30 European countries, produced by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Janssen, 2014
- Konzeption und Umsetzung von Interventionen zur Entstigmatisierung seelischer Erkrankungen: Empfehlungen und Ergebnisse aus Forschung und Praxis
Full Report , July 2010
Summary - Active Inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems, Eurofound 2010
- Combating poverty and social exclusion - A statistical portrait of the European Union, 2010
- Living Conditions, Social Exclusion and Mental Well-being, Second European Quality of Life Survey, 2010
- National Social Inclusion Programme, National Institute for Mental Health, England, 2009
- Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care, 2009
- Stigma: International Briefing Paper
Tackling discrimination, stigma and social exclusion experienced by people with mental health problems and those close o them. Guidebook commissioned by Health Scotland and WHO Collaborating Centre, 2008 - Deinstitutionalisation and community living - outcomes and costs: report of a European Study, 2007
- Evaluation of "See me" Campaign
The National Scottish Campaign Against the Stigma and Discrimination Associated with Mental Ill-Health
Full Report
Findings - Eurobarometer Survey on Poverty and Social Exclusion
- Publication date
- 13 January 2010
- Author
- Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety