Register now to this #EUHPP Live Webinar "Meeting on EU Reference Laboratories (EURLs) for public health - Stakeholder Webinar" that will take place online on Tuesday 29 August from 15.00 to 16.30 CEST. Find hereby the registration link. The invitation-agenda will follow shortly.
Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2371 states that the Commission may designate, by means of implementing acts, European reference laboratories (EURLs) in the area of public health or for specific areas of public health relevant for the implementation of the Regulation. These EURLs for public health will provide support to national reference laboratories to promote good practice and alignment on diagnostics, testing methods, use of certain tests for the uniform surveillance, notification and reporting of diseases by Member States.
The network of EURLs for public health will be operated and coordinated by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The EURLs will be designated for at least four years, and grants will be made available under the EU4Health programme to cover for the costs that the EURLs will incur in the implementation of their work programmes.
The purpose of the webinar will be to inform stakeholders who are interested in the implementation of EURLs for public health about the plan of the implementation, and to collect their feedback and additional input on specific EURL aspects. The webinar will be focused on stakeholders that have not already been included in any specific consultations in this area, and will also address the concept of EURLs in areas other than communicable diseases (e.g. threats of chemical or environmental origin) of relevance for the implementation of Regulation 2022/2371.
- Publication date
- 10 August 2023 (Last updated on: 24 August 2023)
- Author
- Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety