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Public Health
  • News announcement
  • 29 June 2022
  • 1 min read

First meeting of the HERA Civil Society Forum

Following the Call for applications published on 27 March 2022, 23 organisations were selected to represent patients, consumers and healthcare professionals. They met virtually on 28 June 2022 for the first time and shared their opinions and experiences.

The Civil Society Forum, as a part of the HERA governance structure, helps to ensure that the HERA receives regular input on the views of the civil society stakeholders.

There are several reasons why this meeting is a significant milestone in HERA’s development: It is very important to the Commission to inform the representatives of the civil society about what we do and to hear their voices when deciding what to do next. This is essential for HERA to deliver on its mandate to better prepare Europe for the next health crisis.

COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. However, there are already many lessons we can learn from. One of them is that we need to work closely together: public authorities, research institutions, industry and civil society, to achieve the best possible result.

Ultimately, the HERA Civil Society Forum should contribute to achieving the optimal preparedness and response to any future health emergency.


Publication date
29 June 2022