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Public Health
  • News announcement
  • 30 August 2022
  • Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • 1 min read

Only one more day! Call for proposals: 2022 Thematic Networks - EU Health Policy Platform (Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2022)

The European Commission invites health stakeholders to submit proposals for a new cycle of Thematic Networks, organised under the framework of the EU Health Policy Platform.

The purpose of a Thematic Network is to produce a Joint Statement within six to nine months, summarising the common position and action of a group of stakeholders organisations on one of the following selected public health areas:

  1. Ensuring continuity of care and quality of life for all people living with HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, as well as (drug-resistant) tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections, including an adapted response for displaced patients from Ukraine and the EU/EEA citizens.
  2. Reducing health inequalities: a cross-sectoral approach for vulnerable groups.
  3. Mental Health in all policies.

The European Commission may also consider proposals from other health policy areas if stakeholders present sound reasons for doing so.

Potential applicants looking to submit a proposal in collaboration with other health stakeholder organisations are invited to inform the Health Policy Platform community by sharing his/her intentions both through the Agora network and/or the 2022 Thematic Network in a form of "news item". Any posts made in those networks is automatically included in one of the round-up newsletters, which reach the entire Platform community. We invite you to repost several times to increase your visibility, ideally at both the beginning and end of the week, before 10:00 on Tuesdays and Fridays, just before the automated newsletters are sent out.

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Publication date
30 August 2022
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety