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Public Health
News announcement2 May 2012Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety1 min read

Public consultation on the modalities of stakeholder consultation in the voluntary Health Technology Assessment network to be established under Directive 2011/24/EU

Public consultation on the modalities of stakeholder consultation in the voluntary Health Technology Assessment network to be established under Directive 2011/24/EU


Article 15 of the Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare outlines relevant areas for cooperation between Member States in the field of public health.

One area specified for such cooperation is Health Technology Assessment (HTA), where Article 15 sets up a voluntary network connecting national authorities and bodies responsible for HTA appointed by the Member States.

The Directive states that the purpose of the HTA network shall be to support and facilitate cooperation and exchange of scientific information among Member States.

Although the network will consist of Member State representatives, the Directive also specifies that stakeholder consultations on the Network's activities should take place. The Directive stresses that
- the network "…shall be based on […] appropriate consultation of stakeholders…" (Article 15.1),
- and Union aid may be granted to the network "…in order to […] facilitate the consultation of stakeholders on the work of the network…" (Article 15.2(e)).

Objective of the consultation

The Commission consulted stakeholders to receive input of interested parties as to how the consultation of stakeholders in the HTA network's activities could be facilitated.

View the questionnaire

Target groups

Patient organisations, health professionals' organisations, national health insurance and social security institutions and associations representing such bodies, public authorities and government-appointed bodies responsible for commissioning or executing HTA reports, companies developing pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other technologies as well as associations representing these industries are welcome to give their views.

Consultation period

2 May until 1 August 2012

Policy field

Public Health

Results of the consultation

Summary of the replies


Unit D3 – Risk Assessment


Publication date
2 May 2012
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety