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News announcement23 July 2010Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety1 min read

Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening European Union Preparedness on Pandemic Influenza - Deadline extended to 30 July 2010

Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening European Union Preparedness on Pandemic Influenza - Deadline extended to 30 July 2010

Policy field:
Public Health

Target group(s)
All citizens and organisations can contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly welcome from Member states, Public Health Organisations and Agencies and key stakeholders involved in pandemic preparedness, planning and response work with the European Commission and its scientific agencies.

Period of consultation:
From 27.05.2010 to 23.07.2010 - Extended to 30.07.2010

Objective of the consultation
The aim of this consultation is to seek the views of key stakeholders on what action the European Commission should take to strengthen European Union Pandemic Preparedness. The Commission is seeking the views of stakeholders in two main areas. These are:

  1. How useful was the 2005 European Pandemic Preparedness plan both during the pandemic preparedness phase and during the response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and how should it be improved?
  2. What should be done at EU level to improve EU pandemic preparedness?

How to submit your contribution
We welcome contributions from citizens, organisations and public authorities. Respondents should complete the online questionnaire which can be accessed by following the link below.

View the consultation document and the questionnaire

In IPM the session time is limited to 90 minutes. This means that you should submit your reply within this time. If you exceed it, your reply will be lost. You can read the questionnaire beforehand by downloading this PDF document

Contact details

Responsible service DG SANCO Health Threats
E-mail SANCO-LUX-PAND-PREPatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SANCO-LUX-PAND-PREP[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Postal address Pandemic Preparedness Consultation, DG SANCO C3, HTC 02/064, L2920, Luxembourg

Results of consultation and next steps
An analysis of responses received will be undertaken by the Commission. A report will be prepared by the Commission and will be made available on DG SANCO's website. The list of contributors to this stakeholder consultation will be published as well.


Publication date
23 July 2010
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety