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  • News announcement
  • 12 February 2015
  • Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • 1 min read

Summary report, list of participants, presentations - Expert Group on Health Information (26-27 November 2014)

Summary report, list of participants, presentations - Expert Group on Health Information (26-27 November 2014)


Preparation of a potential ERIC on Health information
Paul Tuinder
DG RTD – Research Infrastructure unit

Updates from DG ESTAT
Matthias Fritz, Anke Weber
DG ESTAT - Education, health and social protection unit

Towards a comprehensive and harmonised Joint Research Centre, The European Commission's cancer information system
Jerica Zupan van Eijk
Joint Research Centre – IHCP

Rare diseases health information systems: current situation and evolutions foreseen
Ana Rath
Orphanet – Inserm

Public health research: perspectives under Horizon 2020
Ann Ustalu
DG RTD – Public health

Health status & social determinants of health of populations facing multiple vulnerability factors
Nathalie Simonnot & Frank Vanbiervliet
Doctors of the World International Network

Update on OECD work
Gaetan Lafortune
OECD Health Division

Update from WHO Regional Office for Europe
Dr Ivo Rakovac
WHO-Europe - Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation


Publication date
12 February 2015
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety