Thematic Conference Combating Stigma and Promoting Social Inclusion, Lisbon, 08-09 November 2010 - Updated programme and background document available
Thematic Conference under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being
Thematic Conference Combating Stigma and Promoting Social Inclusion organised by the European Commission and Portuguese Ministry of Health
Lisbon, 8th - 9th november 2010
Altis Hotel, Lisbon
This conference was organised jointly by the European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumers and the Portuguese Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, and the Portuguese Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity. The conference had the support of the Belgian Presidency of the EU. It was part of the activities under the 2010 European Year Against Poverty and Social Exclusion.
Conference report
Summary of conference conclusions
Invited papers; EU projects on promoting social inclusion and combatting stigma for mental health.
A paper with more information can be found here.
The conference programme can be found here .
A background document can be found here.
The list of participants can be found here.
8 November 2010
Plenary session 1: "Opening session"
- John DALLI, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy
- Ana JORGE, Minister of Health, Portugal
- Maria Helena ANDRÉ, Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Portugal
- Nace KOVAC, Mental Health Europe
Plenary session 2: "Promoting mental health and providing good care to older people"
- Reducing stigma and discrimination of people with mental health problems
Norman SARTORIUS, Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes
- Promoting human rights and improving mental health services
José-Miguel CALDAS DE ALMEIDA, National Coordinator for Mental Health, Portugal
Plenary session 3: "Panel Discussion"
- Opening Statement
- Proposed Health Sector Priorities of the Hungarian EU Presidency
Tamás KURIMAY, Hungarian Psychiatric Association
Parallel session 1: "Social protection, social inclusion and mental health"
- Setting the scene
Lorenzo RAMPAZZO, Veneto Region Mental Health Office
- The interests of local mental health councils in France in the practice of prevention and care: the role of local elected office-holders and of populations
Jean-Luc ROELANDT, WHO Collaborating Centre Lille/ Marianne AUFFRET, Mayor, Representative of Association "Elus, santé publique et territoires"
- EUREGHA working group on mental health
Simone GIOTTO, EUREGHA network, Regione Veneto, Italy
- The Portuguese Programme for homeless people in the context of the European Platform of Homeless People
Paula DOMINGOS, National Mental Health Coordination Body Ministry of Health
Parallel session 2: "Breaking the cycle of stigmatisation and discrimination due to mental health problems"
- Setting the scene
Wolfgang GAEBEL, German Action Alliance for Mental Health
- The WHO Regional Office for Europe/European Commission Partnership Project "Empowerment in Mental Health"
Anja BAUMANN, WHO Regional Office for Europe
- Example of an effective anti-stigma strategy: The National Mental Health Weeks in France
Aude CARIA, WHO Collaborating Centre Lille, France
- Evaluation of the impact of the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival
Lee KNIFTON / Isabelle GOLDIE, The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival
Parallel session 3: "Employment and meaningful activities as routes to recovery"
- Setting the scene
Claire HENDERSON, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK
- The effectiveness of supported employment for people with severe mental illness- the EQOLISE project
Christoph LAUBER, University of Liverpool, UK
- Community activities for users with severe mental illness
Andrzej CECHNICKI, Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland
- Supported Employment Programme in Lisbon
Terese DUARTE, Association for Psycho-Social Integration and Study – AEIPS, Portugal
Plenary session 4: "Feedback from the parallel sessions"
- Session 1: Kristian WAHLBECK (WHO – Europe)
- Session 2: Sara EVANS-LACKO (Kings’ College London, UK)
- Session 3: David MCDAID (London School of Economics, UK)
9 November 2010
Parallel session 4: "Rights, Responsibility and Citizenship"
- Setting the scene
Heinz KATSCHNIG, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
- Presentation of Europe-wide data on voting rights of people with mental health problems
Mario OETHEIMER, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
- Detention of Mentally Ill Persons in Psychiatric Hospitals, Forensic Institutions or European Prisons - is it appropriately regulated?
Hans-Joachim SALIZE, Central Institute of Mental Health, Germany
- The example of the Portuguese legislation on mental health and human rights
Miguel XAVIER, Ministry of Health / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Parallel session 5: "Comprehensive care for people with mental health problems"
- Setting the scene
Helen KILLASPY, University College London, UK
- Implementation of DEMoBinc project in the Czech Republic
Lucie KALIŠOVÁ, Charles University, Czech Republic
- Development of comprehensive community mental health services: the case of the region Emilia-Romagna.
Angelo FIORITTI, AUSL Bologna, Italy
- New Maltese legislation on mental health supporting community-based care and human rights
Ray XERRI, Ministry of Health, Malta
Panel Discussion on Policy Conclusions
- Josée VAN REMOORTEL, Mental Health Europe
Associated event: European Social Network meeting; The expression of recovery from a professional and user's perspective
- Publication date
- 29 October 2010
- Author
- Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety