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  • News announcement
  • 29 October 2010
  • Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • 3 min read

Thematic Conference Combating Stigma and Promoting Social Inclusion, Lisbon, 08-09 November 2010 - Updated programme and background document available

Thematic Conference Combating Stigma and Promoting Social Inclusion, Lisbon, 08-09 November 2010 - Updated programme and background document available
Thematic Conference under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being

Thematic Conference Combating Stigma and Promoting Social Inclusion organised by the European Commission and Portuguese Ministry of Health

Lisbon, 8th - 9th november 2010
Altis Hotel, Lisbon


This conference was organised jointly by the European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumers and the Portuguese Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, and the Portuguese Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity. The conference had the support of the Belgian Presidency of the EU. It was part of the activities under the 2010 European Year Against Poverty and Social Exclusion.

Conference report
Summary of conference conclusions

Invited papers; EU projects on promoting social inclusion and combatting stigma for mental health.

A paper with more information can be found here.

The conference programme can be found here .

A background document can be found here.

The list of participants can be found here.


8 November 2010
Plenary session 1: "Opening session"

  • John DALLI, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy
  • Ana JORGE, Minister of Health, Portugal
  • Maria Helena ANDRÉ, Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Portugal
  • Nace KOVAC, Mental Health Europe

Plenary session 2: "Promoting mental health and providing good care to older people"

Plenary session 3: "Panel Discussion"

Parallel session 1: "Social protection, social inclusion and mental health"

Parallel session 2: "Breaking the cycle of stigmatisation and discrimination due to mental health problems"

Parallel session 3: "Employment and meaningful activities as routes to recovery"

Plenary session 4: "Feedback from the parallel sessions"

  • Session 1: Kristian WAHLBECK (WHO – Europe)
  • Session 2: Sara EVANS-LACKO (Kings’ College London, UK)
  • Session 3: David MCDAID (London School of Economics, UK)

9 November 2010
Parallel session 4: "Rights, Responsibility and Citizenship"

Parallel session 5: "Comprehensive care for people with mental health problems"

Panel Discussion on Policy Conclusions

Associated event: European Social Network meeting; The expression of recovery from a professional and user's perspective


Publication date
29 October 2010
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety