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  • News announcement
  • 14 June 2010
  • Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
  • 4 min read

Thematic Conference Mental Health and Well-being in Older People, Madrid, 28-29 June 2010 - Provisional programme updated

Thematic Conference Mental Health and Well-being in Older People, Madrid, 28-29 June 2010 - Provisional programme updated
Thematic Conference under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being

Thematic Conference Mental Health and Well-being in Older People organised by the European Commission and the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of Spain under the auspices of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Madrid, 28th - 29th June 2010
Hotel Melia Castilla, Madrid


The conference agenda can be found here .

This was the third in a series of invitation-only events covering mental health throughout the lifespan, in line with the priority areas of the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being.

Conclusions from the conference

Conference report

Objective of the conference:

1) Raise visibility about the importance of promoting mental health and well-being in older people;
2) Enable an exchange at EU-level on policy activities, good practices by stakeholders and research projects in Member States, supported by the database European Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being;
3) Draw conclusions summarising the conference outcomes.

Main themes of the conference:

The conference is structured around five sub-themes:

  • Mental health promotion in old age: Healthy ageing and well-being;
  • Prevention of mental disorders and promotion of autonomy;
  • Older people in vulnerable situations;
  • Health systems for care and treatment;
  • Supporting the informal carers.

Position paper of Mental Health Europe on Mental Health and Well-being in Older people

Call for submission: the best projects on the support for migrant elders' initiatives wanted:

call for submission

press release

application form

The first ELAC competition, which is part of the European project "Active Ageing of Migrant Elders Across Europe” (AAMEE) takes place under the patronage of the European Parliament and its supported by the European Commission.


28 June 2010
Plenary session 2: "Promoting mental health and providing good care to older people"

Plenary session 3: "Policies on mental health and older people"

Parallel Session 1: Mental health promotion in old age: healthy ageing and wellbeing

Parallel Session 2: Older people in vulnerable situations

Parallel Session 3: Prevention of mental disorders

Plenary Session 4: Feedback from the parallel sessions

29 June 2010
Parallel Session 4: Care and treatment systems

Parallel Session 5: Informal carers

Plenary Session 5: Feedback from the parallel sessions

Plenary Session 6: ROUND TABLE: “Conclusions from the conference and actions to be taken”

Background Documents

Background document and key messages for the EU thematic conference: “Mental Health and Well-being in Older People - Making it Happen”

Fact sheets from European projects related to mental health and well-being in older people

Literature Review - Salutogenesis and the Promotion of Positive Mental Health in Older People

Position paper of Mental Health Europe on Mental Health and Well-being in Older people


Publication date
14 June 2010
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety