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News announcement2 December 2022Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety1 min read

Video recording - Webinar of the Thematic Network "Navigating Health Inequalities in the EU through Artificial Intelligence" (2 December 2022)

The 1st Live #Webinar of the Thematic Network "Navigating Health Inequalities in the EU through Artificial Intelligence” took place on Friday 2 December 2022, 10.00 - 11.00 CET, Brussels time.

  • The presentations are available:
    •  on the EU Health Policy Platform – Agora network. To access, please register first following this link (use/create your EU login). Once your request of access has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email. You will then be able to have a look to the presentations, available in this post in the Platform.
    • on the Thematic Network “Navigating health inequalities in the EU through Artificial Intelligence”, accessible here once you become Platform member.
  • Watch the recording of this webinar until 12 December using the password @HPP_webinar2022.

Description of this webinar:

This first live webinar of the Thematic Network led by Brunel Centre and Health Action International presented the main legal dimensions of artificial intelligence (AI) in the EU and its co-relation to health and fundamental rights. The webinar introduced the application of the EU AI Act and the GDPR to health, and its impact on healthcare delivery, services and fundamental rights.

Understanding the landscape of health AI and its influence on health inequalities, is necessary to ensure synergies of our Joint Statement with the EU regulatory framework, and this will contribute towards building specific, practically driven measures to navigate health inequalities in the EU using AI technologies.

Join the Thematic Network and contact its leaders!


Publication date
2 December 2022
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety