Contributions of the European Commission Green paper Consultation - "Promoting healthy diets and physical activity: a European dimension for the prevention of overweight, obesity and chronic"
Government (National, Regional, Local)
United Nations
Academia and Research Institutes
Health Professionals
Advertising, Marketing, Media organizations
Food industry, Primary Producers, Pharmaceutical Industry
Catering organizations
Consumer Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations
Government (National, Regional, Local)
R-001 | Arhus Kommune | Denmark |
R-002 | Austr Federal Chamber Labour | Austria |
R-003 | Belgian Federal Government | Belgium |
R-275 | Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen | Austria |
R-278 | Bundesregierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Germany |
R-005 | City of Stockholms Executive Office | Sweden |
R-269 | EU Working Group on Sport and Health | EU |
R-008 | French Permanent Representation | France |
R-009 | Gesundheitsamt Landkreis Böblingen | Germany |
R-010 | Gloucestershire Food Vision | UK |
R-011 | Group Permanent d'étude des Marchés de denrées alimentaires | France |
R-012 | Health and Social Services Committee Wales | UK |
R-013 | Health Service Executive | Ireland |
R-014 | Hungarian Ministry of health | Hungary |
R-015 | Icelandic Consumer Spokesman | Iceland |
R-016 | Kent Council | UK |
R-017 | Local Government Organisation & Local Government International Bureau | UK |
R-018 | Ministry of Health Malta-Permanent Representative | Malta |
R-019 | Ministeriums für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen | Germany |
R-020 | Ministery of agriculture, fisheries and food | Spain |
R-021 | Ministrerium für Ernährung und ländlichen Raum Baden-Württemberg | Germany |
R-022 | Ministry of Denmark | Denmark |
R-023 | Ministry of Flanders | Belgium |
R-024 | Ministry of Health Lithuania | Lithuania |
R-025 | Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia | Latvia |
R-026 | Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia |
R-027 | Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic | Slovak Republic |
R-028 | Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland | Finland |
R-029 | Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia | Estonia |
R-213 | National Health Service | UK |
R-030 | National Nutrition Council Finland | Finland |
R-031 | Netherlands government | Netherlands |
R-032 | Niedersachsens Ministerium für Soziales (MS) und Ministerium für Landwirtschaft (ML) | Germany |
R-033 | North West Food & Health Task Force | UK |
R-034 | North West Physical Activity Task Force | UK |
R-035 | Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services | Norway |
R-036 | Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland | Poland |
R-037 | Programme of Action for Children-Health Service Executive North-West | UK |
R-038 | Regional Health and Physical Activity Coordinator (North West England) | UK |
R-039 | School Food Trust | UK |
R-043 | Scottish Executive and the Department of Health | UK |
R-040 | School Fruit and Vegetables Team Governmental Office | UK |
R-041 | Swedish Association of Local Communities and Regions | Sweden |
R-042 | Swedish Ministry of Health/social affairs | Sweden |
R-231 | West Midlands Regional Health Partnership | UK |
R-044 | Wirtschaftskammer Österreich | Austria |
R-045 | Women's Health Council | Ireland |
R-287 | The department of health and children | Ireland |
R-047 | World Health Organisation | Worldwide |
Academia and Research Institutes
R-048 | Cancer research UK | UK |
R-279 | Corinna Hawkes, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington | US |
R-049 | Danish Food Veterinary Research | Denmark |
R-007 | European Health Observatory, Andalucia School of Public Health | Spain |
R-274 | European Network for Public Health Nutrition | EU |
R-050 | European Policy Centre; Risk Forum | EU |
R-051 | European Respiratory Society | EU |
R-053 | Food Safety Authority of Ireland | Ireland |
R-054 | Bissaya Barreto Foundation | Portugal |
R-055 | Hochschulen St.Gallen und Rorschach; Kompetenzzentrum Forschung, Entwicklung und andere Dienstleistungen de Pädagogischen | Switzerland |
R-056 | Home economics department-St Angela's college | UK |
R-057 | Human Nutrition Research | UK |
R-058 | International Life Sciences Institute | EU |
R-059 | Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention | Netherlands |
R-061 | North West of England Nutrition and Physical Activity Stakeholders meeting (1) | UK |
R-062 | North West of England Nutrition and Physical Activity Stakeholders Meeting (2) | UK |
R-063 | Ost-Schweiz: Zentrum für Prävention | Switzerland |
R-064 | Padua Therapeutic Education Laboratory | Italy |
R-065 | Policy Research Insititute on Ageing & Ethnicity | EU |
R-066 | Research Centre for the Prevention of Overweight Zwolle | Netherlands |
R-067 | Spanish Food Safety Agency | Spain |
R-068 | The Nutrition Society | UK |
R-069 | Universitata Linz | Austria |
R-070 | Weight Concern and University College London | UK |
R-071 | Welcome Trust | UK |
R-072 | Working Party 'Lifestyle and other Health Determinants' Technical University Dresden | Germany |
R-073 | All Island Community Nutrition & Dietetic Partnership Group | Ireland |
R-074 | Arbeitskreis Ernährung Gesellschaft anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland | Germany |
R-075 | British Dietetic Association | UK |
R-076 | Community Dietitans Republic of Ireland | Ireland |
R-052 | European Union Geriatric Medicine Society | EU |
R-077 | German part of the European network for Health Promoting Hospitals | Germany |
R-078 | Klinik prinzregent Luitpold in Scheidegg | Germany |
R-079 | M&R Genesis Clinic | Poland |
R-080 | Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union | EU |
R-081 | Royal College of Nursing | UK |
R-082 | Royal College of Physicians | UK |
R-083 | Standing Committee of European Doctors | EU |
R-289 | Task Force EACPR-EUROCISS | EU |
R-084 | Weight Management Interest Group-Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute | Ireland |
Advertising, Marketing, Media organizations
R-085 | Advertising Association | UK |
R-086 | Bertelsmann Media Worldwide | Worldwide |
R-087 | Der Zentralverband der deutschen Werbewirtschaft | Germany |
R-088 | European Advertising Standards | EU |
R-089 | European Association of Communications Agencies | EU |
R-090 | European Association of Television and Radio Sales Houses | EU |
R-091 | European Federation of Magazine Publishers | EU |
R-092 | European Newspaper Publishers Association | EU |
R-093 | European Publishers Council | EU |
R-094 | Finnish Food Marketing Association | FInland |
R-095 | German Federation of Magazin Publishers | Germany |
R-096 | Moeller Associates | Germany |
R-097 | Project Management and Marketing | Greece |
R-098 | World Federation of Advertisers | Worldwide |
Food industry, Primary Producers, Sport industry, Pharmaceutical Industry
R-099 | American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union | National |
R-100 R-100b |
American Peanut Council | US |
R-101 | Amway | Worldwide |
R-102 | Association of Estonian Food Industry | Estonia |
R-103 | Bayerischer Bauernverband | Germany |
R-276 | Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V. (BLL) | Germany |
R-104 | Cadburry Schweppes | UK |
R-277 | Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre (CEFS) | EU |
R-105 | Comité des Salines de France | France |
R-106 | Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the EU-General Confederation of Agricultural Co-operatives in the EU | EU |
R-107 | Confederation of Food and Drink Industries of the EU | EU |
R-108 | Danish Brewers'Association | Denmark |
R-270 | DANONE Portugal | Portugal |
R-109 | European Association of Fish Producers Organisations | EU |
R-110 | European Dairy Association | EU |
R-111 | European Federation of Food Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions | EU |
R-112 | European Natural Soyfoods Manufacturer Association | EU |
R-113 | European Responsible Nutrition Alliance | Worldwide |
R-114 | European Salt Producers Association | EU |
R-115 | European Snack Association | EU |
R-129 | Dole Food Company Inc. | EU |
R-116 | Food and Drink Federation | UK |
R-271 | FEPI | EU |
R-117 | Food and Drink Industry Ireland | Ireland |
R-118 | Food Industries Association of Austria | Austria |
R-132 | Forum for the fresh produce industry (FRESHFEL) | EU |
R-119 | GlaxoSmithKline | UK |
R-120 | Johnson&Johnson | Worldwide |
R-121 | Kraft Foods | Worldwide |
R-267 | Nike | Worldwide |
R-122 | Novartis Medical Nutrition | Worldwide |
R-123 | Sanofi-Aventis | Worldwide |
R-124 | Trading Standards Institute | UK |
R-125 | Unilever | Worldwide |
R-126 | Union of the European Beverages Associations | EU |
R-046 | Zentraly zur bekampfung unlauteren wettbewerbs E.V. | Germany |
R-127 | Andretta Fruchtimport GmbH | Germany |
R-128a R-128b |
Confederation of German Retail / Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels | Germany |
R-130 | Eurocommerce | EU |
R-131 | European Vending Association | EU |
R-133 | Sainsbury | UK |
R-134 |
Union of groups of independent retailers of Europe | EU |
R-135 | European Federation of Contract Catering Organisations | EU |
R-136 | European Modern Restaurant Association | EU |
R-137 | National Associations of Hotels, Restaurants & Café's in Europe | EU |
R-138 | Altroconsumo | Italy |
R-139 | Consumer Agency & Ombudsman | Finland |
R-140 | Consumer's Food Group | UK |
R-141 | Danish Consumer Council | Denmark |
R-142 | European Community of Consumer Co-operatives | EU |
R-143 | European Consumers Organisation | EU |
R-144 | Finnish Consumer Associations | Finland |
R-145 | National Association for Consumer Protection in Hungary | Hungary |
R-146 | National Consumer Council | UK |
R-147 | Swedish Consumer Association | Sweden |
R-148 | UK Food Commision | UK |
R-149 | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband | Germany |
R-280 | Which | UK |
Non-Governmental Organizations
R-004a R-004b |
Branch of the All-Poland Association of Optimal Brotherhoods in Lazy | Poland |
R-150 | All-Poland Association of Optimal Brotherhood; Jaworzno | Poland |
R-151 | All-Poland Association of Optimal Brotherhoods; Szprotawa | Poland |
R-152 | All-Poland Association of Optimal Brotherhoods; Zuzanna Rzepecka | Poland |
R-153 | All-Poland Association of Optimal Brotherhoods;Anna Kazuba | Poland |
R-154 | Swedish Nursing Mothers Support Group | Sweden |
R-155 | Association Belge de patients obeses | Belgium |
R-283 | Baby Milk Action | UK |
R-156 | Bertelsmann Stiftung | Germany |
R-157 | Breastfeeding Promotion and Protection Association of Latvia | Latvia |
R-158 | Breastfeeding Network | UK |
R-159 | British Heart Foundation | UK |
R-160 | British Nutrition Foundation | UK |
R-161 | BSS Berufverband Schweizerischer Stillberaterinnen IBCLC | Switzerland |
R-162 | Bund Deutscher Hebammen e.V. | Germany |
R-163 | Bundesvereinigung für Gesundheid e.V. | Germany |
R-164 | Central Council of Physical Recreation | UK |
R-165 | Child Growth Foundation | UK |
R-166 | Claritas Child Rights Protection Association | UK |
R-167 | COFACE | EU |
R-168 | Danish Company Sports Confederation | Denmark |
R-169 | Danish Gymnastic & Sports Association | Denmark |
R-170 | Danish Garden Society | Denmark |
R-288 | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V. | Germany |
R-171 | Deutsche Sozialversicherung Europavertretung | Germany |
R-172 | Deutscher Caritasverband | Germany |
R-173 | Deutscher LandFrauenverband e.V. | Germany |
R-174 | Deutscher Sportbund | Germany |
R-175 | Deutscher Turner-Bund | Germany |
R-176 | English Premier League | UK |
R-177 | Europe Region of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts | EU |
R-282 | EuroHealthNet | EU |
R-178 | European Heart Network | EU |
R-179 | European Hospital and Healthcare Federation | EU |
R-180 | European Institute of Women's Health | EU |
R-181 | European Lactation Consultant Assocation | EU |
R-182 | European Men's Health Forum | EU |
R-183 | European Network of Academic Sports Services | EU |
R-184 | European Network of regions improving children's health | EU |
R-185 | European Nutrition for Health Alliance | UK |
R-186 | European Public Health Alliance | EU |
R-187 | European Social Insurance Platform | Wider Europe |
R-188 | Familias del Mundo | Worldwide |
R-189 | Finnish Heart Association | Finland |
R-190 | Food and Nutrition programme-Finnish national fund for Research and Development | Finland |
R-191 | Football Foundation | UK |
R-192 | Health Sports | EU |
R-193 | Heart of Mersey | UK |
R-194 | Hungarian Heart Foundation | Hungary |
R-195 | Il Marchio Mangia E Gioca | Italy |
R-196 | Institute Danone CZ | Czech Republic |
R-197 | International Code Documentation Centre_ International Baby Food Action Network | Worldwide |
R-198 | International Diabetes Federation | Worldwide |
R-199 | International Obesity Taskforce-European Association for the Study of Obesity | EU |
R-200 | International Sport and Culture Association | Worldwide |
R-201 | International Union for Health Promotion and Education | Worldwide |
R-202 | Irish Heart Foundation | Ireland |
R-285 | Italian Association of Clubs of Alcoholics in Treatment | Italy |
R-204 | Italian Association of Sports for All | Italy |
R-290 | Federazione Italia Aerobica e Fitness | Italy |
R-281 | Italian Task Force for a National Plan of Dietary Prevention and against Sedentariety | Italy |
R-205 | La caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salaries | Belgium |
R-206 | Landesvereinigung fur Gesundheit Bremen | Germany |
R-207 | Manchester Institute of Sport and Physical Activity.The North West Health and Physical Activity Forum/Urbanwalks UK Ltd | UK |
R-208 | Meat and Livestock Commission | UK |
R-209 | Medusana Stiftung | Germany |
R-210 | Movimento Allattamento Materno Italiano, the WABA National Focal Point for Italy | Italy |
R-211 | National Coalition for Active Ageing | UK |
R-284 | National Childbirth Trust | UK |
R-212 | National Federation of Women's Institutes | UK |
R-273 | National Heart Alliance | Ireland |
R-214 | National Heart Forum | UK |
R-215 | National Olympic Committee and National Sports Federation | Netherlands |
R-216 | Netherlands Nutrition Centre | Netherlands |
R-217 | Netherlands Obesity association | Netherlands |
R-218 | Nordic Network for associations for outdoor activities/Nordisk Friluftsnettverk | Several |
R-219 | Nordic working group for international breastfeeding initiative | Several |
R-220 | NRO; initiativ Liewensufank asbl | Luxembourg |
R-221 | Physical Activity Network for the West Midlands | UK |
R-286 | Plattform Ernährung und Bewegung | Germany |
R-222 | Régional Jeunesse et Sports de Lille | France |
R-223 | Rural Women's Advisory | Finland |
R-224 | Sustrans | UK |
R-225 | Swedish Sports Confederation | Sweden |
R-226 | Task Force Physical activity of the European Platform on Public Health Nutrition | EU |
R-288 | The European Older People's Platform | Europe |
R-227 | Union Féminine Civique et Sociale | France |
R-228 | Union Nationale des Associations Familiales | France |
R-229 | Union Sportive de L'Enseignement du Premier degré | France |
R-272 | Weight Watchers | Europe |
R-232 | World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action | Worldwide |
R-233 | Youth organization of European Non-Governmental Sport Organisation | EU |
R-234 | Annalisa Piani | Italy |
R-235 | Antonella Chiurco | Italy |
R-236 | Carla Gigli | Italy |
R-237 | Carla Scarsi | Italy |
R-238 | Chiara Marina Toti | Italy |
R-239 | Christiane Bergmann | Germany |
R-240 | David Pinder | UK |
R-242 | G.A.A.M. Gruppo Aiuto Allatamento Materno | Italy |
R-243 | Giuditta Matrototaro | Italy |
R-244 | Lara Sabbatini | Italy |
R-245 | Laura Castellarin | Italy |
R-246 | Luana Tadolini | Italy |
R-247 | Lynne Kennedy | UK |
R-248 | Mag Angelika Stocker | Germany |
R-249 | Margherita Locatelli | Italy |
R-250 | Maria Bonaria Atzori | Italy |
R-251 | Maria Gasparini | Italy |
R-252 | Maria Jesus San Ceferino | Spain |
R-253 | Maria Rita Inglieri | Italy |
R-254 | Meijke R. van Herwijnen | Netherlands |
R-255 | Monica Pieratelli | Italy |
R-256 | Ornella Maggiore | Italy |
R-257 | Paola Martini | Italy |
R-258 | Patrizia Antimi | Italy |
R-259 | Presidente Associazione Culturale Pediatri (ACP) | Italy |
R-260 | Sandra Winkler | Germany |
R-261 | Sofia Quintero Romero | Italy |
R-262 | Tadeusz Wojtaszek | Poland |
R-263 | Uli Sparringa | Germany |
R-264 | Univ.Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm | Austria |
R-265 | Ursula Umfahrer Ernahrungsconsultung | Austria |