Notes to health Information Committee:
- ECHIM comprehensive list
- ECHIM comprehensive list (until 2008)
- European initiative on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
- The European Partnership for Action Against Cancer
- Joint Action ECHIM (European Community Health Indicator Monitoring)
- The process of creation of the European Health Examination Survey (EHES)
- Healthy Life Years (HLY) and the European Health and Life Expectancy Information System (EHLEIS)
- Injury Surveillance & Injury Data Base (IDB)
- European action in the field of Rare Diseases
- Commission membership European Observatory Health Systems and Policies
- European actions on Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- WP2011 Priority "Chronic conditions"
- Commission-WHO cooperation on health information
- Direct Contract with IARC
- European Health Wiki
- Information Mechanism Framework Contract
- Joint Action on HBSC
- Health information committee website
- European Health Information Strategy - update
- Health “Scoreboard”
- Formal title of this meeting – High Level Group on Health Information?
- Updates from Eurostat
B. De Norre
Eurostat unit F5