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Public Health
Expert opinion

Revision of the opinion on HC Red No. 18 (B124)

Final Opinion


Publication date
16 March 2016
Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS)


WG on Hair Dyes
SCCS members:Q. Chaudhry, P.J. Coenraads, M. Dusinska, W. Lilienblum, E. Nielsen, T. Platzek, C. Rousselle, J. van Benthem
External experts: A. Bernard, L. Bodin, J. Duus-Johansen, J. Ezendam, A.M. Giménez-Arnau, E. Mirkova, E. Panteri (rapporteur),T. Vanhaecke, A. Varvaresou
Contact: SANCO-C2-SCCSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SANCO-C2-SCCS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
On request from: European Commission
SCCS Number: SCCS/1569/15
Adopted on: 16 March 2016

Conclusion of the opinion:

(1) In light of the data provided, does the SCCS consider HC Red No. 18 (BÍ 24) (FPK 245) safe when used as a hair dye ingredient in oxidative hair colouring products at on-head concentrations of up to 1.5 % under oxidative conditions?

In the light of the data provided, the SCCS considers that the use of HC Red No. 18 (B124) as an ingredient at 1.5% in oxidative hair dye formulations is safe.

(2) Does the SCCS have any further scientific concerns regarding the use of HC Red No. 18 (B124) (FPK 245) in other cosmetic products?

Neither the purity of HC Red No. 18 nor its impurities are quantified adequately. Data on purity and impurities of HC Red No. 18 (B124) should be provided, together with purity specifications of the substance intended for use in cosmetic products.


SCCS, scientific opinion, HC Red No. 18 (В124), Regulation 1223/2009, CAS 1444596-49-9

Opinion to be cited as:

SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety), Opinion on HC Red No. 18 (В124), 15 December 2015, SCCS/1569/15, Revision of 16 March 2016.

