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Publications (2051)
RSSSCCS - Scientific Advice on HC Red No. 18 (Colipa No. B124) (CAS No. 1444596-49-9) - Submission II
Scientific advice – children’s exposure to Methyl salicylate (methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate) -
Revision of SCCS/1654/23
European action plan on the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers
Factsheet - Cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers
Factsheet - SCHEER recommends revising the annexes of EMF legislation (Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC and Directive 2013/35/EU)
Factsheet - Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) frequencies between 1Hz and 100 kHz
SCCS Opinion on Butylparaben (CAS No. 94-26-8, EC No. 202-318-7) - Children exposure
SCCS Opinion on Salicylic Acid (CAS No. 69-72-7, EC No. 200-712-3) - Children’s exposure
Factsheet - Joint Clinical Assessment for Medicinal Products (January 2025)
Factsheet - Joint Scientific Consultation for Medicinal Products (January 2025)