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Public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on the safety of titanium dioxide in toys


Opening date

Target audience

The European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) published the Preliminary Opinion on the safety of titanium dioxide in toys. 

Interested parties are invited to submit comments on the scientific evidence online before 4 July 2022.

Why we are consulting

Following a request from the European Commission, the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) provided a Preliminary Opinion on the safety of titanium dioxide on toys in light of the exposure identified, and in light of the classification of titanium dioxide as carcinogenic category 2 after inhalation.

The Preliminary Opinion is based on the review the available data on the use of titanium dioxide leading to inhalation exposure in particular in toys and toy materials. 

To address the terms of reference of this Opinion, scientific data on the toxicity of TiO2 and information regarding approaches to derive NOAEL values were collected from available open literature, websites and from documents of other Scientific Committees and International Organisations (e.g. WHO, EPA, EFSA, JECFA). In addition, information on the use of TiO2 in toys, provided by the Toys Industries of Europe (TIE), was evaluated and included in the Opinion where appropriate. In its scientific work, the SCHEER relies on its Memorandum on Weight of Evidence (WoE).

In line with the Stakeholder Dialogue Procedures (Annex V to the Rules of Procedures of the Scientific Committees), the Scientific Committees are now seeking feedback from the scientific community and stakeholders on this Preliminary Opinion. 

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Consultation outcome

The European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) published the final Opinion on the safety of titanium dioxide in toys

  • 12 OCTOBER 2023
  • 4 JULY 2023