SCHEER - Call for information in support of a targeted revision of Annexes III and IV of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes - European Commission
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SCHEER - Call for information in support of a targeted revision of Annexes III and IV of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes


Opening date

Target audience

Public health community

Why we are consulting

The Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) has received a request for a scientific opinion in support of a targeted revision of Annexes III and IV of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes: Annex I (

This call for information is being launched according to the stakeholders dialogue procedures laid down in the Rules of procedure of the Scientific Committees.

The objective of the Call is to ensure that all relevant scientific information is available to the Scientific Committee for its assessment.

Scope of the Call for information

The Secretariat of the SCHEER would like to invite any interested parties to submit scientific information on:

- standards of accommodation and care to safeguard the welfare of zebrafish when kept in captivity for scientific purposes: key parameters and their respective ranges for the housing; maximum stocking densities

- methods of killing appropriate for animal bred, supplied or used in scientific procedures: conditions and limitations of the hypothermic shock

- housing requirements to maintain the welfare of European starling (Sturnus vulgaris L.), House sparrows (Passer domesticus), great tit (Parus major) and blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) kept in captivity for scientific purposes

Submitted information will be considered by the SCHEER following the criteria defined by the Memorandum on weight of evidence and uncertainties Revision 2018. Only submissions directly related to the call and complying with its specifications will be considered.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Additional information

More information about SCHEER and the other Scientific Committees of the European Commission can be found here.