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Endocrine disruptors - Latest updates (15)
RSSMinutes - 73rd meeting of representatives of Members States Competent Authorities for the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012
Minutes - 69th meeting of representatives of Members States Competent Authorities for the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012
Revised draft criteria published
Minutes of the last meetings with experts and Member States now available
Report on the screening of available evidence on chemical substances for the identification of endocrine disruptors according to different options in…
Commission presents scientific criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in the pesticides and biocides areas
On 2 February 2016, Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, answered an oral question in the EP on the criteria to…
Web streaming - Meeting on "Impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors – technical meeting on the Joint Research Center…
Meeting on "Impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors – technical meeting on the Joint Research Center methodology" (Brussels,…
Report on Public consultation on defining criteria for identifying endocrine disruptors
Presentations - Conference "Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts" (01 June 2015)
Minutes - Third round table on the impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors (Brussels, 12 May 2015)
Agenda - Second round table on the impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors (Brussels, 24 April 2015)
Agenda - Third round table on the impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors (Brussels, 12 May 2015)
Agenda, registration and practical information - Conference "Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts" (Brussels, 01…