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News announcement20 November 2023Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority1 min read

HERA Civil Society Forum recommends stronger investment in health emergency preparedness and response capacities

On November 17, the Civil Society Forum of the European Commission’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) adopted its first discussion paper on the strategy and future role of HERA. The paper recommends increased investment into health emergency preparedness and response in addition to closer integration of strategies on the EU level. The paper will inform the upcoming mid-term review of HERA’s mandate in 2024.

Considering the urgency inherent to public health emergencies, a rapid and comprehensive response is key. Prepared by civil society stakeholders representing patients, consumers, and healthcare professionals from across the EU, the paper calls for further development of existing capacities on three aspects to ensure a high level of preparedness and resilience for future crises:

  1. Closer coordination and consolidation of existing actors on the EU and national levels into an integrated and responsive health security architecture;
  2. Stronger and more flexible funding for preparedness and response measures to build and improve an effective set of tools for responding to emerging health threats;
  3. A more comprehensive view of health preparedness and response, including access, availability, and deployment of medical countermeasures in health systems as well as support for frontline healthcare professionals.

Collaboration with civil society is key in preparing and responding rapidly to health emergencies, and HERA works closely with key stakeholders to ensure that the voice of patients and healthcare professionals is heard. Representatives of the Forum will present the paper to the HERA Advisory Board on 4 December, ensuring the recommendations are taken into account in HERA’s strategic planning for the next year.


The HERA Civil Society Forum (CSF) brings together stakeholders representing patients, consumers, and frontline healthcare professionals to provide a technical and scientific advice to the Commission and the Member States through the HERA Advisory Forum. It monitors research on medical countermeasures as well as industrial and policy developments and ensures that the views and opinions of civil society actors are represented in EU-level preparedness and response planning and contribute to informed decision-making.

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Publication date
20 November 2023
Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority