The 2nd Live Webinar of the Thematic Network DisQo: anti-discrimination & health equity “The importance of equality data” took place online on Thursday 23 January 2023, 11.00 – 12.30 CET, Brussels time.
- Register to the EU Health Policy Platform to join the Thematic Network. To access, please register first following this link (use/create your EU login).
- Once your request of access has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email. From then on, you will be able to navigate through the Platform’s networks, check the presentations used in this webinar and participate in upcoming webinars.
- Watch the recording until 2 April, available under this link. Use this password to watch it: @HPP_webinar2023
- Register to the 3rd Live Webinar of the Thematic Network DisQo anti-discrimination & health equity on “Time for action” here.
- Participate in the EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting on 19 April, where this Joint Statement and others will be presented. Register here.
Description of this webinar
Although racism and discrimination are fundamental determinants of health, and the evidence for its impact on both physical and mental health across all life stages is becoming more overwhelming by the day, the issue remains largely unrecognised and unconsidered in the public health domain. This is the driving force behind the Thematic Network DisQo, bringing together now more than 40 organisations, people, with the shared ambition to address institutional and structural racism and discrimination for health equity.
In a series of three webinars, we discussed and delved deeper into key topics that were identified by network members during DisQo’s kick-off meeting on 3 November 2022, which include for example the importance of a clear language and definitions, the evidence-base and good quality equality data, the sharing of best practices at different government levels, and the need to break down silos between sectors. The first webinar (19 January 2023) covered language and definitions.
This second webinar addressed the importance equality data. The lack of comprehensive systems or a coordinated approach to collecting and using equality data, disaggregated by race and ethnic origin and other grounds of discrimination, represents a barrier to evaluating the impact of measures addressing racism and discrimination. Although there are some legal considerations, most notably the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and national data protection rules to protect citizens from any potential risks of misuse or abuse, the collection and processing of special categories of personal data is possible under certain conditions, including for statistical or research purposes, so can be read in the Guidance note on the collection and use of equality data based on racial or ethnic origin (European Commission 2021, DG JUST, High Level Group on Non-discrimination, Equality and Diversity, Subgroup on Equality Data).
- Publication date
- 24 March 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety