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News announcement17 December 2010Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety4 min read

Thematic Conference under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being "Promoting Mental Health and Well-being at Workplaces", Berlin, 03-04 March 2011

Thematic Conference under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being "Promoting Mental Health and Well-being at Workplaces", Berlin, 03-04 March 2011
Thematic Conference under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being

organised by the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of Health
in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
with the support of the Hungarian EU-Presidency

Berlin, 3rd - 4th March 2011
BCC Conference Center, Berlin


This conference will consider the economic and public health case for investing into mental health and well-being at workplaces and, in particular, possibilities for health policy and the health sector to support such action at workplaces.


List of participants


Conference conclusions and recommendations for action

Conference report

Use the menu "Browse by theme" to find useful documents.

Participation will be on invitation only. Please address requests for further information to the IMPACT consortium which supports the organisers in setting up the event, under the following address: ec-mentalhealthprocessatgencat [dot] cat (ec-mentalhealthprocess[at]gencat[dot]cat)


03 March 2011
Plenary session 2: "Improving the mental health and well-being of the population – the role of workplaces"

Parallel Session 1: The case for investing in mental well-being – from a public health and company perspective

Parallel Session 2: Building the mentally healthy work place

Parallel Session 3: Supporting employees with mental health problems

Parallel Session 4: Risk assessment, performance measurement, communication of activities

Parallel Session 5: SMEs

Parallel Session 6: Public sector

Plenary Session 3: The role of policies and social security systems in providing support for enterprises

04 March 2011

Plenary Session 4: The world of work in a state of change – opportunities and challenges for mental health

Parallel Session 7: Governmental Initiatives

Parallel Session 8: Social partners

Parallel Session 9: Civil society

Parallel Session 10: Social Security

Parallel Session 11: European and International Initiatives

Plenary Session 5: ROUND TABLE: "The way forward - taking action for mental health and well-being at work"

Useful documents


Publication date
17 December 2010
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety