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Latest updates (5989)
RSSUpdate - MedEthicsEU report - Survey on National Part II Clinical Trial Application (CTA) requirements (March 2025)
Updated list of nominated representatives from their respective Member State (28 March 2025)

European Commission releases open-source HealthData@EU Central Platform — a key milestone for the European Health Data Space
SCHEER - Minutes of the Working Group meeting on brain stimulators of 19 March 2025
HERA review: Taking stock to reinforce health security in the EU
Health Union Fellowship - Video clip
EU4Health call for tenders to develop point-of-care diagnostic medical devices for antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Presentation - The EU HTA Regulation: Webinar for health technology developers of medicinal products
Recording and presentation - EUHPP Live Webinar: Introducing the AUGMENT Biosimilars Project - Goals, learnings and next steps (18 March 2025)
EU4Health call for tenders to speed up the access to and uptake of an Mpox vaccine