If you are interested to put your expertise at the service of European patients, please consider applying to become a member of an expert panel in the field of medical devices. All the relevant information can be found below.
What expertise is needed?
The open call for expression of interest aims at drawing up a list of candidates that are eligible and apt in regard to their expertise in relevant clinical or other scientific technical areas. The maximum number of experts for each panel was determined by the European Commission in accordance with requisite needs.
If selected, experts may be appointed to one of the following 11 panels
- Orthopaedics, traumatology, rehabilitation, rheumatology
- Circulatory system
- Neurology
- Respiratory system, anaesthesiology, intensive care
- Endocrinology and diabetes
- General and plastic surgery and dentistry
- Obstetrics and gynaecology, including reproductive medicine
- Gastroenterology and hepatology
- Nephrology and urology
- Ophthalmology
- In vitro diagnostic medical devices
For consultation procedures on certain high-risk medical devices, a screening panel, additional to the above, will decide against a predefined set of criteria whether a scientific opinion will be provided on a given dossier by one of the above expert panels, with exception of the IVD panel.
The work of the expert panels shall comply with principles of high levels of expertise, independence, impartiality and objectivity, commitment, transparency and confidentiality.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants must have
- full rights as a citizen of a Member State of the EU, EFTA or Türkiye
- a university degree in a relevant medical or scientific area at graduate level
- at least 10 years of relevant professional experience in areas related to the subject of the call (medical, non-medical, scientific and technical or regulatory)
- good knowledge of the English language allowing active participation in deliberations and writing reports in English
- no financial interest or other interest in the medical device industry or in a notified body or any other organization or sector, which could affect their independence, impartiality and objectivity
Applicants who do not meet these criteria will be excluded from the selection procedure.
Application procedure
The European Commission has published a call for expression of interest to appoint experts to scientific panels, allowing experts to submit their application for membership in the expert panels.
Selected experts are expected to provide consistent scientific, technical and/or clinical advice on the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on Medical Devices (MDR) and Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVDR).
While the first cycle of expert panel appointments is finalized, the Commission strives to ensure continuity and the smooth functioning of the expert panels. As such, eligible candidates may continue to apply and may consequently be appointed to an expert panel or included in a central list of available experts, depending on the requisite needs.
The central list of available experts resulting from the call is valid for 5 years from the date of its establishment, which is 26 May 2027.
Experts may submit an expression of interest through this online application form.
As the working language of the expert panels is English, all applications must be completed in English.
Please submit
- a completed electronic application form
- a copy of your national ID or passport as proof of citizenship
- a curriculum vitae (CV) in electronic format (preferably.pdf), in English, not exceeding four pages. Europass format may be used
- a declaration of interests (DOI) using the standard DOI form annexed to this call. Candidates must disclose therein any circumstances that could give rise to a conflict of interest. Submission of a duly completed DOI form is necessary in order to be eligible to be appointed in a personal capacity. Additional supporting documents may be requested at a later stage
See the annexes referenced in the call for experts (2019/C 323/05) below