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This EudraBook V1 was published in May 2015 and no longer current. The most up-to-date information can be found under EudraLex - EU Legislation

EudraBook V1 - May 2015

Compendium of EU pharmaceutical law

To understand the EU legal framework for medicinal products it is important to know the applicable provisions of the legislation itself.

This E-Book is intended to support readers in this regard by putting together the most recent versions of the key legal instruments on medicinal products for human use.

The E-Book provides a useful overview for stakeholders, especially the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory authorities, legal practitioners, but also interested citizens, patients and healthcare professionals



Publication year: 2015

ISBN: 978-92-79-44435-7

DOI: 10.2772/288501

Catalogue number : NB-06-15-186-EN-N

Publication year: 2015

ISBN: 978-92-79-44434-0

DOI: 10.2772/557259

Catalogue number : NB-06-15-186-EN-E

EudraBook on EU Publications website

Should you have any further questions, please sante-pharma-policyatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (send us an e-mail).