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OriON– Joint Action on Contribution to the Cancer Inequalities Registry to Monitor National Cancer Control Policies

Across Europe, the possibility of receiving a timely cancer diagnosis and of surviving the disease differs considerably because of inequalities in preventive policies, access to state-of-the art diagnostics and treatments, and experienced care. In a future European Health Union that seeks to protect everyone, all described disparities and inequalities are unacceptable. Currently no systematic surveillance and reporting mechanism exists to track the cancer situation across the EU. The Joint Action on Contribution to the Cancer Inequalities Registry to Monitor National Cancer Control Policies (OriON) will help to reduce cancer inequalities across the Union.

The aim of the OriON JA is to make available a mainly qualitative analysis of the national cancer control situation in the Member States, including the state of play of implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan at national level in a comparable and frequently updated form as well as to make available data and insights on socio-economic inequalities to complement and enhance the analysis for the Cancer Inequalities Registry.

The OriON JA will have three general objectives linked to the EU Cancer Plan:

  • Monitoring uptake and implementation
  • Piloting the monitoring & evaluation framework
  • Maximising the impact of the knowledge and evidence

Plus two specific objectives:

  • Support the monitoring and analysis of the implementation
  • Carry out an analysis of the state-of-play of National Cancer Control Programmes with a special focus on the inequalities

OriON will seek synergies with the Cancer Inequalities Registry; together, these will provide a consolidated view of the national cancer control landscape across the EU and resulting inequalities will assist in targeting investments and interventions at EU, national and regional level to address trends, disparities and inequalities between MS and regions. The expected impact will be a reduction in measurable disparities in cancer prevention and care across the EU.

EU4health - Projects
  • Diagnosis and treatment
30 JANUARY 2024
Factsheet - OriON
4 JUNE 2024
EU Funding & Tenders Portal - OriON


Expected results:

Results from the JA will provide critical information on the breadth and scope of cancer control actions across EU MS, as illustrated in the implementation of the EBCP and national cancer policy plans. Qualitative analyses which will represent a new approach will be central to the project as they are describing the policy situation in Member States and are the main focus of this Joint Action





Tit Albreht

Tit Albreht
National Institute of Public Health Slovenia
Tit [dot] Albrehtatnijz [dot] si