Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, with projects covering prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment, and improved quality of life for cancer patients and survivors.
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Europe's Beating Cancer Plan

Delivering on the EU Cancer Plan through dozens of EU4Health funded projects

EU support at every stage of the disease

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is a political commitment to turn the tide against cancer, as part of a strong European Health Union. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is made up of 10 flagship initiatives and 32 supporting actions.

It focusses on the entire disease pathway and is structured around four key action areas:

  • prevention;
  • early detection;
  • diagnosis and treatment;
  • quality of life of cancer patients and survivors.

With a €4 billion budget, the EU Cancer Plan makes use of all available funding instruments, including dozens of projects financed by the EU4Health programme, and implemented by the Health and Digital Executive Agency.

Meet the people behind the projects


Early detection

Diagnosis and treatment

Quality of life