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Public Health


The Commission has already funded research projects on the potential health effects of EMF under FP5 (1998-2002) and FP6 (2003-2006).

The EU Framework Programme for Research (FP7 2007-13) and Horizon 2020 are currently funding the following projects:

  • GERONIMO: Generalised EMF Research using Novel Methods – an integrated approach: from research to risk assessment and support to risk management
  • Time frame: 2014-2019
  • Total cost: EUR 7 876 485,8 / EU contribution: EUR 5 949 648,85
  • Main objective: This five-year project will generate new knowledge on possible health effects of EMF using novel methods and integrated approaches with a focus on the effect of radiofrequency and intermediate frequency fields on the risk of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, behaviour, reproductive outcomes and aging. The project builds upon existing European resources in combination with novel methods and existing expert networks. Furthermore, it will characterise current and future population levels of exposure in Europe to improve assessment of potential health impacts and reinforce policy development. The project additionally proposes non-technological means to reduce EMF exposure.
  • HEMIS: Electrical powertrain health monitoring for increased safety of fully electric vehicles project
  • Time frame: 2012-2015
  • Total cost: EUR 2 924 470 / EU contribution: EUR 2 000 000
  • Main objective: The project has two objectives. It first aims to design an in-vehicle prognostic health monitoring system able to provide a failsafe state concerning the electric powertrain and the emitted EMF, and to predict its remaining useful life. Its second objective is to assess electromagnetic compatibility issues and the impact of EMF on human health.
  • EU LEXNET: Low EMF Exposure Future Networks
  • Time frame: 2012-2015
  • Total cost: EUR 10 497 270 / EU contribution: EUR 7 319 934
  • Main objective: To develop effective mechanisms to reduce 50% (at least) of the public exposure to EMF, without compromising the quality of service. The project aims to define and assess a global index of exposure composed of up- and downlink sources of EMFs; to identify future network mechanisms, technologies, and parameters to reduce human exposure; and to build a 'cost function' related to this exposure index that can be used to optimise the network architecture and operation, as well as the related technologies. The project is still running but summaries on its progress are available on its website.
  • ARIMMORA: Advanced Research on Interaction Mechanisms of electroMagnetic exposures with Organisms for Risk Assessment
  • Time frame: 2011-10-01 to 2015-03-31
  • Total cost: EUR 4 577 320,4 / EU contribution: EUR 3 249 970,7
  • Main objective: This project investigates the underlying biophysical mechanisms and clarifies a possible causal relationship between ELF magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. Firstly, exposure assessment is being performed by equipping three groups of children with measurement devices. Exposure patterns derived from the measurements will be analysed according to location and behavioural activity. Secondly, to assess the fields within a representative range of child anatomies and postures, dosimetry and biophysical modelling is being carried out through advanced simulation software and detailed anatomical models. Finally, the ARIMMORA project focuses on detecting interactions between biological systems and ELF magnetic fields by applying advanced molecular leukaemia cell cultures and animal models.
  • EMFWELD: Analysis of workers exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from welding and NDT processes, guidelines for risk assessment and development of risk assessment web based application.
  • Time frame: 2012- 2014
  • Total cost: EUR 1 244 811,16 / EU contribution: EUR 932 000
  • Main objective: This project aimed to reduce the cost of EMF exposure assessment in fabrication and non-destructive testing processes, specifically in welding and magnetic particle inspection, by improving the knowledge of EMF in welding and inspection, providing tools for the correct assessment of workers' exposure to EMF and reducing the cost of compliance to EU directives for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • EMSAFETY: Electromagnetic safety project
  • Time frame: 2011-2014
  • Total cost: EUR 3 098 311,42 euros / EU contribution: 2 249 830 euros
  • Main objective: To increase the public confidence in the safety regarding electromagnetic fields in the fully electric vehicles. The results of the project are available on its website. The results of the project are available on its website.
  • MOBI-KIDS: Risk of brain cancer from exposure to radiofrequency fields in childhood and adolescence
  • Time frame: 2009-2016
  • Total cost: EUR 6 078 765,8 / EU contribution: EUR 3 499 748
  • Main objective: To assess the potential association between the risk of brain tumours in young people to EMF and extremely low frequency fields exposure from communication devices, such as mobile phones, and other environmental and host factors. Results will be available by 2016.
  • WIDEMOB: Building blocks concepts for efficient and safe multiuse urban electrical vehicles
  • Time frame: 2010-2013
  • Total cost: EUR 3 740 732 / EU contribution: EUR 2 610 000
  • Main objective: To design and develop building block concepts that could be of practical use for the manufacturing of efficient and safe urban electronic vehicles. These building blocks will include, among others, the application of electromagnetic compatibility-electromagnetic radiation and low frequency EMF design concepts based on 'prudent avoidance practices' for field reduction for occupants.
  • ICE PURE: The Impact of Climatic and Environmental factors on Personal Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure and human health project
  • Time frame: 2009-2013
  • Total budget: EUR 4 589 794 / EU contribution: EUR 3 497 616
  • Main objective: To determine the harmful and beneficial health effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure. The results of the project are available in its final report summary
  • SEAWIND: Sound exposure and risk assessment of wireless network devices
  • Time frame: 2009-2013
  • Total cost: EUR 3 918 770 / EU contribution: EUR 2 989 599
  • Main objective: To close knowledge gaps regarding exposure to wireless network devices. This project assessed the potential adverse health risks of EMF exposure due to the omnipresence of network devices in everyday life. To do so, the project addressed the entire scientific spectrum from dosimetry (calculation and assessment of the radiation dose received by the human body) to biology. The results of the project are available in its final summary report.
  • EFHRAN: European Health Risk Assessment Network on Electromagnetic Fields Exposure
  • Time frame: 2009-2012
  • Total cost: EUR 1 000 000 / EU contribution: EUR 600 000 funded under the second EU Health Programme (2008-2013)
  • Main objective: To establish a network for performing health risk assessment of electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure. This project was the first risk assessment network on EMF and health issues. The main aim of this project was therefore to maintain capacity and scientific expertise so as to enhance the European Commission's ability to respond quickly to health issues and concerns related to EMF. Finally, the compilation of knowledge and its dissemination on issues related to EMF and health were improved.

In funding multinational projects, the European Commission demonstrates its strong support for research to investigate the potential health effects arising from electromagnetic fields.

Since 2000, the Commission has invested more than EUR 37 million in research projects, notably under the EU Framework Programme for Research, now called Horizon 2020.