Report on the open consultation on the Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health
Austria | AT |
Belgium | BE |
Flanders | BE |
Cyprus | CY |
Czech Republic | CZ |
Danish Regions | DK |
Denmark | DK |
Castilla y León | ES |
Catalunya | ES |
Canarias | ES |
Finland | FI |
Association of Finnish Local Regional Authorities - Commission for the Local Authority Employers | FI |
France | FR |
Germany | DE |
Bavaria | DE |
Hungary | HU |
Ireland | IE |
Latvia | LV |
Malta | MT |
Sveriges Kommuner | SE |
Sweden | SE |
The Netherlands | NL |
UK Government | UK |
Local Government Association (England) | UK |
North West of England Health Community | UK |
Assembly of European Regions (AER) | European stakeholders |
CEMR Council of European Municipalities and Regions | European stakeholders |
Albania | Albania |
Canada | Canada |
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) | Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland |
Swedish Parliament | SE |
Danish Parliament | DK |
European Economic and Social Committee | European stakeholders |
BGW - Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienste und Wohlfahrtpflege | DE |
Assurance maladie obligatoire française | FR |
Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française | FR |
AEIP European Association of Paritarian Institutions | European stakeholders |
AIM | Worldwide |
DKGEV Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft e.V. | DE |
NHS Confederation, UK National Health Service | UK |
NVZ Netherlands | NL |
EAHSA European Association for Housing and Services for the Ageing | European stakeholders |
EASPD – European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities | European stakeholders |
EDE European Association for Directors of Residencial-Gare Homes for the Elderly | European stakeholders |
EHMA European Health Management Association | European stakeholders |
HOPE European Hospital and Healthcare Federation | European stakeholders |
HOSPEEM European Hospital and Healthcare Employers' Association | European stakeholders |
Nursind | IT |
Danish Nurses' Organization | DK |
INO Irish Nurses Organisation | IE |
INO Irish Nurses Organisation Midwives' Section | IE |
ÖGKV Austria | AT |
RCM Royal College of Midwives | UK |
Royal College of Nursing | UK |
SAE | ES |
Tehy Nurses | FI |
EFN | European stakeholders |
European Specialist Nurses Organizations | European stakeholders |
Federation of Occupational Health Nurses | European stakeholders |
Pharmaceutical group of the european union (PGEU) | European stakeholders |
BPtK Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer | DE |
Psychotherapeuten Vereinigung | DE |
DVE Deutscher Verband Der Ergotherapeuten | DE |
DDHV Verbandes - Deutschen DentalhygienikerInnen Verband e.V. | DE |
Irish Speech Therapists | IE |
BNLD Berufsvereinigung der Naturwissenschaftler in der Labordiagnostik | DE |
UNSAF Union Nationale des Syndicats d'Audioprothésistes Français | FR |
AEA l'Association Européenne des Audioprothésistes | European stakeholders |
CLPUE Podologues | European stakeholders |
COTEC Council of Occupational Therapists European Countries | European stakeholders |
EMA European Midwives Association (EMA) | European stakeholders |
ER-WC Physical Therapy | European stakeholders |
EFRS European Federation of Radiographer Societies | European stakeholders |
European Chiropractors' union | European stakeholders |
Federation Europeenne des Osteopathes | European stakeholders |
BPA - Bundesverband privater Anbieter sozialer Dienste e.V. Bundesgeschäftsstelle | DE |
Deutsche Caritasverband e.V | DE |
Eurocarers | European stakeholders |
European Social Network | European stakeholders |
Age Concern | UK |
Irish Senior Citizens´ Parliament | IE |
AGE | European stakeholders |
COFACE Confederation of Family Organisations | European stakeholders |
EMHF European Men's Health Forum | European stakeholders |
European Patients' Forum | European stakeholders |
European Institute of Womens Health | European stakeholders |
Trade unions and employer organisations
AESGP | European stakeholders |
EDMA - European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association | European stakeholders |
Eucomed | European stakeholders |
European Vaccine Manufacturers EVM | European stakeholders |
Novartis | Worldwide |
Philips | Worldwide |
Council of Deans of Health | UK |
Edinburgh Napier University | UK |
Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery | UK |
Instituto de Medicina Tropical | PT |
Maria Arminda Costa and others - Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto | PT |
National University of Ireland | IE |
Praxis Dienste Germany | DE |
School of Health Sciences | UK |
Tur an Tur integrationsprojekte | DE |
ASPHER Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region | European stakeholders |
AMSE Association of Medical Schools in Europe | European stakeholders |
ENOTHE European Network in Occupational Therapy in Higher Education | European stakeholders |
EPSA European Pharmaceutical Students' Association | European stakeholders |
EASL European Association for the Study of the Liver | European stakeholders |
FINE European Federation of Nurse Educators | European stakeholders |
BAK Austria | AT |
ECCH, EFCAM, HHWF Homeopathy | European stakeholders |
EuroHealthNet | European stakeholders |
European Forum for Primary Care | European stakeholders |
European Health and Fitness Association | European stakeholders |
EPHA European Public Health Alliance | European stakeholders |
European Society for Quality in Healthcare's | European stakeholders |
CEPLIS | European stakeholders |
SEE Health Network | European stakeholders |
HPRO Card | European stakeholders |
African Heart Network | Worldwide |
VSO Voluntary Services Overseas | Worldwide |
Wemos | Worldwide |
Axel Schwartz | DE |
Edel McSharry and others - supported by MEP Harkin | IE |
Georgi Todorov | BG |
Gerardo Zamora Monge | ES |
Kevin Holland-Elliott | UK |
Mary Higgins | IE |
Maurice Fitzgerald | IE |
Oliver Clinton | IE |
Wesselin Angelov | BG |
Xavier Barthes | FR |
Yves Ossette | FR |
For any questions regarding this consultation, you can send an email to the following address: sanco-health-workforceec [dot] europa [dot] eu (