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  • Expert opinion

Guidance on ad hoc rapid risk assessment of serious cross-border chemical health threats performed by the SCHEER

Final Opinion


WG on rapid risk assessment
SCHER former members: Claire Beausoleil, María José Carroquino, Raquel Duarte Davidson (Chair and Rapporteur), Teresa Fernandes, Colin Janssen, Renate Krätke, Jan Linders, Greta Schoeters
Contact:SANTE-C2-SCHEERatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SANTE-C2-SCHEER[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
On request from: European Commission
Adopted on: 02 February 2017

Content of the Opinion

The European Commission asked the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) and its successor, the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) a guidance document illustrating the procedure to be followed by the SCHEER for the provision of ad hoc rapid risk assessments in case of cross border chemical health threats.

The SCHEER has been tasked with coordinating the response in case of cross border chemical health threats to support the Commission, as laid down by Decision 1082/2013/EU on serious cross border threats to health. These threats include both manmade and naturally occurring events (e.g. chemicals released during an incident or during a volcanic eruption) that may have an impact on public health. The rapid risk assessment does not cover the wider effects on the environment.

This document presents the procedure to be followed by the SCHEER for the provision of such ad hoc rapid risk assessments.


template, procedure, rapid risk assessment

Opinion to be cited as:

SCHEER (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks), Guidance on ad hoc rapid risk assessment of serious cross-border chemical threats performed by the SCHEER, 2 February 2017.


  • 1 DECEMBER 2021