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  • Expert opinion

Hair dye Indigofera tinctoria (C170) CAS 84775-63-3 - Submission III

Final Opinion


Publication date
3 April 2020
Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS)


WG on Cosmetic Ingredients
SCCS members: U. Bernauer, L. Bodin, Q. Chaudhry, P.J. Coenraads (Chairperson), M. Dusinska, J. Ezendam, E. Gaffet, C. L. Galli, B. Granum (Rapporteur), E. Panteri, V. Rogiers, Ch. Rousselle, M. Stepnik, T. Vanhaecke, S. Wijnhoven
SCCS external experts: A. Koutsodimou, A. Simonnard, W. Uter
Contact: SANTE-C2-SCCSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SANTE-C2-SCCS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
On request from: European Commission
SCCS Number: SCCS/1615/20
Adopted on: 3 April 2020

Conclusion of the opinion:

1. In light of the data provided, does the SCCS consider Indigofera tinctoria (C170) safe when used in non-oxidative conditions hair colouring products at on-head concentrations of up to 25%?

In light of the data provided, the SCCS considers that Indigofera tinctoria is safe when used in non-oxidative condition hair colouring products at on-head concentrations of up to 25%.

2. Does the SCCS have any further scientific concerns with regard to the use of Indigofera tinctoria (C170) in cosmetic products?

A weak skin sensitisation potential cannot be excluded for Indigofera tinctoria.


SCCS, scientific opinion, Indigofera tinctoria, C170, hair dye, Regulation 1223/2009, CAS 84775-63-3, EC 283-892-6

Opinion to be cited as:

SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety), Opinion on hair dye Indigofera tinctoria (C170), Submission III, preliminary version of 10 January 2020, final version of 3 April 2020, SCCS/1615/20.


  • 1 DECEMBER 2021