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  • Expert opinion

Scientific advice on Guidance Document n°27: Technical Guidance for Deriving Environmental Quality Standards

Final Opinion


Publication date
15 September 2017
Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER)


WG on Water Framework Directive
SCHEER members: Teresa Borges, Raquel Duarte Davidson (Chair), Marian Scott, Marco Vighi (Rapporteur), Pim de Voogt
Contact:SANTE-C2-SCHEERatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SANTE-C2-SCHEER[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
On request from: European Commission
Adopted on: 15 September 2017

Content of the Opinion

Following a request from the Commission, the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) reviewed the Guidance Document No. 27: ‘Technical Guidance for Deriving Environmental Quality Standards’ prepared by a collaborative framework (the Common Implementation Strategy) for the Water Framework Directive. The SCHEER concludes that the overall scientific quality of the proposed changes is an improvement to the earlier 2011 version. The SCHEER has a number of comments where more practical guidance can be provided or where the current state of knowledge is still insufficient or where it is not being fully utilised.


Water Framework Directive, environmental quality standards

Opinion to be cited as:

SCHEER (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks), Scientific Advice on Environmental Quality Standards, 15 September 2017.


  • 1 DECEMBER 2021