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Scientific Opinion on "Draft Environmental Quality Standards for Priority Substances under the Water Framework Directive" - Thiacloprid

Final Opinion


SCHEER WG on Water Framework Directive
SCHEER members: Marian Scott (Chair), Marco Vighi (Rapporteur), Thomas Backhaus, Teresa Borges, Peter Hoet, Pim de Voogt
External experts: Andrew Johnson, Jan Linders
Contact:SANTE-C2-SCHEERatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SANTE-C2-SCHEER[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
On request from: European Commission
Adopted on: 25 March 2022

The dossier on Environmental Quality Standards for “Thiacloprid” was reviewed by the SCHEER according to the general mandate on EQS dossiers, dossier also including two specific questions for thiacloprid.

The SCHEER endorses the MAC-QSfw,eco=0.08 µg L-1, derived with a deterministic procedure.

The SCHEER does not agree with the proposal of the dossier of an additional AF of 5, besides the AF of 10 for the probabilistic procedure. Therefore, SCHEER is of the opinion that a deterministic MAC-QSeco,fw=0.05 µg L-1 should be determined instead of the lower value proposed in the EQS-dossier.

For saltwater, the SCHEER endorses the deterministic MACsw,eco=0.008 µg L-1 and the probabilistic MACsw,eco=0.005 µg L-1.

For the derivation of the AA-QS, the SCHEER does not agree with the proposal of the dossier of an additional AF of 5, besides the AF of 10 for the deterministic procedure. Therefore, SCHEER is of the opinion that a deterministic AA-QSfw,eco=0.01 µg L-1 should be determined instead of the value of 0.002 proposed in the EQS-dossier.

The probabilistic procedure is not applied due to the scarcity of data.

Therefore, for saltwater, the SCHEER proposes the deterministic AA-QSsw,eco=0.001 µg L-1 instead of the value of 0.0002 proposed in the EQS-dossier.

The SCHEER agrees with the decision of not deriving an EQS for sediment, but the reasons should be mentioned in the text of the dossier.

The SCHEER agrees with the decision of not deriving an EQS for secondary poisoning,

For human health, the SCHEER endorses a QSbiota,hh =1.2 mg kg-1ww and the adoption of the general drinking water standard for pesticides (0.1 µg L-1).


pesticides, neonicotinoid, thiacloprid, Water Framework Directive, environmental quality standards

Opinion to be cited as:

SCHEER (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks), Final Opinion on Draft Environmental Quality Standards for Priority Substances under the Water Framework Directive - Thiacloprid, 25 March 2022.


  • 1 DECEMBER 2021