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Vaccination - Key documents (36)
RSSProposal for a Council Recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers
State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU+UK 2020
Preparedness for COVID-19 vaccination strategies and vaccine deployment (COM(2020) 680 final)
Regulation (EU) 2020/1043
Ten actions towards vaccination for all
Roadmap for the implementation of actions
Council Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases
State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU
The organization and delivery of vaccination services
COM(2018) 245/2
COM(2018) 244/2
Roadmap - Strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases
Council Conclusions on vaccinations as an effective tool in public health
State of play on implementation of the Council Recommendation of 22 December 2009 on seasonal flu vaccination (2009/1019/EU)
ECDC guidance - Introduction of HPV vaccines in European Union countries – an update
Council Recommendation 2009/1019/EC
Proposal for a Council Recommendation COM(2009) 353 final/2
Commission Decision 2009/363/EC
Pandemic influenza preparedness planning
ECDC: Guidance for the introduction of HPV vaccines in EU countries