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Vaccination - Latest updates (57)
RSSBlog post by Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health & Food Safety - "Vaccination: a health-protecting and life-saving gift for all of…
Conference on childhood immunisation: progress, challenges and priorities for further action, Luxembourg, 16-17 October 2012 – Summary report now…
Conference on childhood immunisation: progress, challenges and priorities for further action, Luxembourg, 16-17 October 2012 – Presentations now…
EAHC press conference: "Why is it important to be vaccinated?", 15-16 October 2012 – Presentations, posters and abstracts of projects available
EAHC press conference: Why is it important to be vaccinated? Lessons learned from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, 15-16 October 2012 -…
Health-EU Newsletter 97 - Childhood immunisation: safe and effective prevention
ECDC guidance - Introduction of HPV vaccines in European Union countries – an update
Information on Commission activities to strengthen childhood immunisation now available in all languages
Event: European Immunization Week (EIW) - Prevent. Protect. Immunize. 21-27 April 2012