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CanScreen-ECIS – Strengthening cancer screening data collection to update the European Cancer Information System and improve quality and coverage of cancer screening programmes in Europe

The CanScreen-ECIS project aims to develop a system for collecting, managing and disseminating performance data from cancer screening programmes in European countries. This should enable a continuous evaluation and improved performance. The data will be integrated into the European Cancer Information System (ECIS).

The project will refine performance indicators for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening and develop new indicators for lung cancer screening. These indicators will allow for the comparison of screening programmes in different settings, and the monitoring of inequalities, as well as for additional indicators to cover new screening approaches and cancer sites.

A data warehouse and web application will be created for providers of screening data to access the tools and submit data. The web application will analyse the data received and display validated data as interactive graphs, tables, and charts, providing a user-friendly means of monitoring indicators and supporting decision-making.

EU4health - Projects
  • Early detection
24 MAY 2023
Factsheet - CanScreen-ECIS
4 JUNE 2024
EU Funding & Tenders Portal - CanScreen-ECIS


CanScreen-ECIS will enhance the quality and completeness of data collected from breast, cervical, colorectal and lung cancer screening programmes in Europe and beyond. It will also make screening data available in an understandable and easy-to-access format.

The project will thus facilitate the systematic and ongoing evaluation of cancer screening programmes based on harmonised and comparable indicators. Improved monitoring of the effectiveness of screening programmes will enable programme managers to work with stakeholders such as the European Cancer Leagues to improve the quality and coverage of cancer screening services in Europe.





Dr Partha Basu

Head of the Early Detection, Prevention, and Infections Branch (EPR)

Dr Partha Basu
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Postal address

25 avenue Tony Garnier 07
69366 Lyon

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