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DigiCanTrain – Digital Skills Training for Health Care Professionals in Oncology

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the transformative potential of digitalisation in healthcare delivery, thereby supporting resilience and introducing efficiency, transparency, and convenience into healthcare services. eHealth technology can serve as a valuable tool to facilitate dialogue among healthcare professionals and address the health and care needs of individuals affected by cancer. Digital technology is an inevitable part of the future of European healthcare.

Despite its current usage and the positive impacts of eHealth technology, a significant majority of healthcare professionals may feel inadequately trained to navigate the digital revolution.

The DigiCan Train project is focused on enhancing the skills of the healthcare workforce in the cancer care setting, which in turn supports the development of effective, person-centred healthcare, digital cancer care services, and the utilisation of contemporary eHealth technology by healthcare professionals. The project’s objective is to design, pilot, and evaluate the DigiCan Train education and training programme for trainers, clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals. The aim is to improve access to continuing professional education, enhance digital skills, and increase the use of eHealth technology among clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals working with individuals affected by cancer.

EU4health - Projects
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • 30 JANUARY 2024
Factsheet - DigiCanTrain
  • 4 JUNE 2024
EU Funding & Tenders Portal - DigiCanTrain


Expected results:

  • The DigiCan Train education and training programme based on i.e. literature reviews summarising previous research on digital skills of health care professionals in oncology and the overview on digital health tools and technology in use in oncology setting.
  • Improved access to continuing professional education.
  • Enhanced digital skills, and increased use of eHealth technology among clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals working with individuals affected by cancer.




Turku University of Applied Sciences TURKU UAS

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Virpi Sulosaari

Virpi Sulosaari
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Phone number
+358 44 907 4569
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