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EUCervScreen QA - European Cervical Screening Quality Assurance Update

The European guidelines for Quality Assurance (QA) in cervical cancer screening need to be updated to reflect changes in international guidelines, advancements in cervical cancer prevention methods, the widespread implementation of HPV vaccination, and improved methodologies for developing such guidelines. To address these changes, an EU funded project, called "European Cervical Screening QA Update (EUCervScreen_QA)," aims to create new, user-friendly technical guidelines and recommendations. For the first time, the guidelines will be developed in parallel to a relevant QA scheme along with QA manuals and tools to help European countries implement and monitor the use of these guidelines.

This project aims to:

  1. Update the European clinical practice guidelines covering cervical cancer prevention from HPV vaccination, cervical screening, diagnosis, and treatment of precancerous lesions
  2. Develop a European quality assurance (QA) scheme for the entire cancer care pathway, including rehabilitation, palliative care and surveillance.
EU4health - Projects
  • Early detection
  • 30 JANUARY 2024
Factsheet - EUCervScreen QA
  • 4 JUNE 2024
EU Funding & Tenders Portal - EUCervScreen QA


Expected results:

The project will support European countries to achieve the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan target that 90% of the qualifying population are offered cervical screening by 2025, and that 90% of girls (and boys) receive the HPV vaccination before 2030. Over the longer term, the project aims to address the existing inequalities in the distribution of cervical cancer in Europe. Specifically, it aims to assist in reducing inequalities in age standardised incidence rates, which range from 6.8 per 100,000 women in Western Europe, to 16 per 100,000 women in Central and Eastern Europe. 




Dr Partha Basu (Head, Early Detection, Prevention, and Infections Branch (EPR) - International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC))

25 avenue Tony Garnier, 69007 Lyon, France


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