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Schools4Health will work with schools to analyse, implement and evaluate good practices in the fields of healthy nutrition, physical activity and mental health.

These efforts will demonstrate how Health Promoting Schools (HPS) and other whole-school approaches to health:

  • help children and adolescents to adopt healthier lifestyles;
  • promote active engagement among students, teachers, and the wider school community
  • improve educational outcomes and health literacy;
  • address societal challenges like social equity, climate change and environmental degradation.

The project will also engage with policymakers and practitioners in various sectors, particularly health and education. An online awareness-raising campaign highlighting the value of the HPS approach will support these efforts.

All findings and outcomes of the project will be available online at the Schools4Health hub.

EU4health - Projects
  • Prevention
  • 27 JULY 2023
Factsheet - Schools4Health
  • 4 JUNE 2024
EU Funding & Tenders Portal - Schools4Health


Expected results:

  • Transfer and implementation of at least six good practices across the themes of healthy nutrition, physical activity and mental health in schools, to enable positive changes in the school culture which promote the health and wellbeing of students and staff.
  • A better understanding among all stakeholders of HPS/whole-school approaches and their importance for improving students’ health and well-being and addressing current societal challenges.
  • Identification of policy-related factors that enable or hinder the implementation of whole-school approaches in participating countries, and actions that can be taken to capitalise on opportunities and overcome barriers.
  • Increased capacity, opportunities and motivation among policymakers and practitioners to implement HPS/whole-school approaches thanks to the wider availability (including in the Schools4Health hub) of tools to inspire and enable them to act.
  • Close, sustained collaboration among consortium members and experts to promote HPS/whole-school approaches, exchange good practices, harness opportunities and address common challenges.





Gabriella Sutton

Gabriella Sutton
Phone number
+ 32 2 235 03 20
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